Why do you need trade agreements?
The sneaky snaky demonic dysgovernment of Britain is still pretending that Brexit is "being negotiated". By now everyone understands that it won't happen. It's a cruel fraud and a criminal hoax. As usual in Sorosia, the people "voted" in an "election" that was never meant to count.
Convective thought: Why do you need ANY negotiations? If you have a product or service that people want, and the price is good, people will buy it.
Example: I've bought old Soviet radios on Ebay from sellers in Belarus. Belarus doesn't have any trade agreements with USA**. It's applying to join WTO but hasn't been approved. Sellers in Moldova are also common on Ebay. Moldova barely counts as a country, doesn't have a serious government.
Trade occurs EASILY without trade agreements.
So just GET THE FUCK OUT of EU and start trading with countries that want to trade. Buy shit from countries that have shit you want. Sell shit to countries who want your shit. Let the agreements follow the reality. If two countries want to screw around with negotiations, they should screw on the basis of PROVEN supply and demand.
= = = = =
** There's a better example of
large-scale commerce with Belarus when it was part of the USSR. Belarus tractors were sold in Oklahoma in the '60s and '70s, even though we didn't have any "legal" trade treaties. Belarus tractors were popular because Belarus tractors were GOOD tractors at a GOOD price. If US had wanted to protect its own tractor industry, it could have simply halted the import at the border. That's what borders are for. No treaty needed.
Labels: Sorosia
The best response to the SEC's total surrender to Elon. Simple and direct like Swift's parodies.
Interesting insight about an insect repellant....
First developed in the 1940s, DEET can be found in most bug sprays used today. Research has shown that, in flies and mosquitoes, the chemical works by interacting with odor receptors that are unique to insects. This research, however, cannot explain how DEET exerts its effect on non-insect species.
In a recent paper Vosshall and Dennis show that, like insects, the nematode C. elegans succumbs to confusion when DEET is around. The team also describes the genetic and cellular mechanisms underlying this response, shedding light on how a single chemical might confound the senses of vastly different species.
The presence of DEET limited the worms' movement toward isoamyl alcohol, a chemical that usually attracts them; it also reduced their avoidance of 2-nonanone, a compound that they typically dodge. Still, the worms reacted normally to some other chemicals.
Human Deetstates, from Rome to DC, use the same trick on a larger scale. Limit our movement toward survival behavior, reduce our avoidance of suicidal behavior. Keep the rational parts of the brain boiling and roiling with constantly CHANGING nonsense.
See Github, see Comrade O'Brien.
Remember: The entire nervous system responds to CHANGE and ignores STATIC conditions. Each change is processed as a DELTA from the current static BASELINE.
Deetstate breaks into the mind by presenting a dazzling display of constant CHANGE, constant
FAKE SURPRISE, reinforced by the TV trick of changing the camera view every few seconds.
If you can stand back and examine the supposed changes, you'll see they are irrelevant and superficial.
The "details" are just words about words about words, with no actual EVENT at the base of the wordpile. But the "details" are custom-made to grab your survival processor. The "details" sound like dangers that you need to think about, but in fact they're NOTHING AT ALL. Your danger watcher is fully jangled with impressive attractive NOTHING, so it doesn't have any energy to form
inductive conclusions about REALITY.
Most of what we really
need to know is permanent and unchanging. Natural law is permanent. Newton and Ohm and Faraday are permanent. The behavior of organizations, as described by Machiavelli and Parkinson, is permanent.
= = = = =
The cure is Carver.
Shoulda known better
So much for """"""""""""""""justice."""""""""""""""""
Elon pays a few pennies and SEC kneels down and sucks him with joy and pleasure.
Later and slightly calmer: Well, at least the Feds haven't handed him a trillion dollar gift YET. I'm sure they will on Monday when the banks are open.
Real-world comparison: SEC requires Elon to pay 1/1000 of his net worth. My net worth is about $130k, so this would be a fine of $130. No big deal. If I committed a SERIOUS crime like littering, I'd have to pay $1024.
Labels: Real World Math
Things not worth doing and how not to do them
Mainly for the comment.
Things worth doing and how to do them 11
Getting it done!

Hoping for pictures.
Labels: defensible spaces, things worth doing
Orphan crackhead Github cars
One of the commenters at NakedCapitalism just brought out a point that the Tesla anti-cultists haven't caught yet....
"The question I have is what happens to all of Teslas customers in the event of bankruptcy? The cars are highly dependent on software, in a way no other personal vehicle is."
Huge point. Previous failed carmakers lost sales in the last year or two as consumers figured the company was going to close down. Since Tesla buyers are idiot brainless psychotic religious zealots, they haven't figured anything.
Back in the era when Kaiser and Studie shut down, an 'orphan' car could be
maintained well enough, because filters and tires and shocks and points and plugs were interchangeable among brands. You ran into trouble if you needed a serious
repair, because fenders and crankshafts and gears were not interchangeable.
With a Github car that relies on constant updates and shuts down for a day during each update, the orphan problem is insurmountable. Who will take over software development and support? The other auto companies have their own EVs that are
vastly better than Teslas, so they won't be inclined to help the idiots who bought sanctified shit.
Software is bound up in NDAs that will be hard to break. The rapid-fire urgency of Tesla's meth-dancing crackhead operation means the software is poorly documented. Every quick fix introduces new bugs while SOMETIMES fixing the old bugs.
Strong words and strong logic from Vigano
After his first letter laying out the problems caused by Bergoglio, Vigano waited to see what would happen. Predictably, nothing happened except the usual projection and misattribution of blame.
Now he's written a followup.
Strong words:
He said he chose to disclose the cover-up “after long reflection and prayer, during months of profound suffering and anguish, during a crescendo of continual news of terrible events. … The silence of the pastors who could have provided a remedy and prevented new victims became increasingly indefensible, a devastating crime for the Church.”
“Well aware of the enormous consequences that my testimony could have, because what I was about to reveal involved the Successor of Peter himself, I nonetheless chose to speak in order to protect the Church, and I declare with a clear conscience before God that my testimony is true.”
Strong logic:
“The purpose of any secret, including the pontifical secret, is to protect the Church from her enemies, not to cover up and become complicit in crimes committed by some of her members.”
This applies equally to governments and corporations. Both have grown accustomed to using secrecy ONLY to hide their own crimes from their own citizens and customers. Enemies and competitors KNOW what's going on, because enemies and competitors have their own spies and information sources. Ordinary people can't afford to run our own spy services. We certainly can't rely on paid "journalists", who serve Deepstate more loyally than the government itself does. We have to rely on our own OBSERVATION of reality,
using our own SENSES. But our own observation can't penetrate the innards of an organization, so governments and corporations can always dismiss it as
undocumented or "anecdotal".
Is this really Emersonian? /// EDIT: NO. IT'S NOT ANYTHING AT ALL.
After the giant HAHA of the previous item, I got thinking. Is this really Emersonian (Natural Law) justice?
Not directly, but it qualifies in a sort of double-negative way.
Compare with 2008. Wall Street had SLAUGHTERED the country by committing MASSIVE actual prosecutable frauds. But along with the frauds, the bankers were so uncontrollably reckless that they were
going to be taken down by good old-fashioned capitalism. Their losses couldn't be sustained by taking more deposits because they had EXTERMINATED the people who would have deposited money. They had used up all of the available resources, and the NATURAL result was failure.
In 2008 the regulators intervened to PREVENT honest capitalism from doing its natural job. They manufactured trillions of counterfeit dollars and REWARDED the fraudulent bankers. They never even considered prosecuting the frauds.
With Elon the overall damage is much smaller. He's mostly hurting his own cultists and investors, who deserve to learn a lesson; plus a few innocent bystanders like the diver in Thailand. Natural justice is approaching soon, as lawsuits are piling up from all sides. If the share value drops below a certain threshold, some of his loans will automatically come due, requiring a payment that he can't make.
In this case the regulators DIDN'T pour in billions of dollars to halt the natural capitalist justice, AND they stepped in to prosecute the most obvious and blatant fraud.
So it's a turnaround from 2008 in two ways. Natural justice wasn't cheated, and legal justice is enforced.
Labels: infinite infinite infinite infinite evil, NOT Emersonian justice
Thanks, Ralph 420, JUSTICE SECURED edition // EDIT: CANCEL.
I didn't think it could happen.
The SEC's lawsuit against Elon is HARDASS TO THE POWER OF HARDASS.

Labels: Emersonian justice
Cui bono for shockedshockedshocked?
A common theme of current fake "news" is fake surprise.
Stories about spying and surveillance are full of fake surprise. We're supposed to be shocked that NSA "violates" "laws" by spying on everyone. In fact there are no "laws", and NSA has been spying on everyone for 70 years.
This week USA STRONG officials are suddenly "surprised" by Chinese spying, which has been going on for 30 years
with official approval and assistance. I've seen it personally.
The fakest of all is the "surprising" "revelations" about priests and bishops. As I've been
tiresomely noting, this problem is at least 1000 years old. Rome has been incalculably wicked for a THOUSAND YEARS without ever changing or reforming. Once in every generation a "council" pretends to do something, and then the wickedness gets worse. The currently fashionable vice has been documented since at least 1274 AD. That's 3/4 of a millenium.
= = = = =
When a fact that everyone has known forever suddenly becomes a "fresh" piece of "information", the proper question is
cui bono.
Who benefits by each of these fakes?
For Rome, the council trick is probably the best explanation. The appearance of reform is sufficient to keep the cultists inside the cult, keep them paying and helping the criminals.
For the spying fakes this trick doesn't seem valid because the spies aren't showing any pretense of reform. Is it just distraction, like the pork-buster routine? Get the rabble excited about spying on Germany, which is THE PROPER AND NECESSARY JOB OF A SPY AGENCY, so the rabble won't have any outrage left for the IMPROPER work of NSA?
Labels: Asked and badly answered
Never mind, I'll just design a universe.
I'm always pointing out shit that isn't new. One phenomenon that IS new is important "successful" people who don't even listen to their OWN previous actions and experiences. Egotists and manics have always dismissed the experience of OTHERS. When I'M THE GREATEST, nothing done by losers is significant.
Now politicians and economists and "journalists" and "scientists" constantly forget their OWN previous forecasts and newscasts and findings. Today's statement runs directly contrary to yesterday's, and nobody ever notices or asks about the conflict.
Elon continues to reach new heights in both forms of dismissal. He ignores 100 years of manufacturing expertise and builds things his own way, which unsurprisingly fails.
His latest idiocy: He says he can't get enough trucks to deliver his cars as they come off the assembly line, so he's starting to build his own carrier trailers.
Anyone who has built ANYTHING knows that this isn't a quick solution. It will take at least a year to get through the design, tooling, testing, and licensing for a big and safety-related item like a car carrier. But wait! Elon is
anyone who has built anything, and his OWN experience should teach the same lesson.
In this case we didn't even need to make that point, because it turns out that Elon and his staff didn't even do what ANY BUSINESS DOES when it needs to find more of ANY FUCKING ITEM. He didn't CALL AROUND TO SEE IF TRAILERS WERE AVAILABLE. Many truckers and trucking associations have spoken up to say they have plenty of carrier trailers available, but Tesla didn't ASK.
So the whole thing is just an excuse, another dog peeing on his homework, another grandma in the hospital.
But Elon, you don't have a dog, and your grandma is already dead! Never mind, I'll design and build a dog and a grandma. Just give me a few minutes.
= = = = =
Semantic sidenote: This is sort of like
shaving a yak, but not quite the same. Yak-shaving is a long series of steps you have to get through in order to accomplish a seemingly simple goal. Each step is necessary, but you don't know it's necessary until you try to accomplish the step
after it. At each point you find that N-1 must happen before you can get to N.
In this case the extra step WASN'T necessary at all, but Elon made his cultists believe it was necessary, and made his cultists believe that he could do it in a day.
Three-way stop
Headline on research from Cardiff:
Mathematicians calculate the safest way home
Subhead indicates it's an app to improve pedestrian safety.
Wow! That's for me! I've always been a walker, and for the last 25 years I've lived without a car. Anything that keeps me out of bad neighborhoods and prevents me from being squashed by SUVs is a good idea! Wow!
Reading the article: SHIT. This is wrong in every possible way.
Wrong #1: They aren't talking about bad neighborhoods because "scientists" aren't allowed to discuss bad neighborhoods. The idea of bad neighborhoods is a NO-GO ZONE for a "science" "brain", especially in Britain.
Wrong #2:
The computer algorithm takes into account a number of factors, such as the types and number of crossings, the type of street, the possibility of jaywalking and the speed limits of each road in a given area. The scoring is done automatically by simply feeding in the raw data from a map of any given area, and has been tested on 15 cities in the UK
This doesn't catch the important factors for pedestrian safety. A busy intersection can be relatively safe if both streets are one-way, or if there's a good standable median. When you only have to watch one direction at a time, you can predict car behavior. An unbusy four-way stop is the most dangerous situation because cars are jumpy and opportunistic. An asshole in a hurry will roar through the stop at 60.
Every intersection has its own personality. The map won't tell you these things. Only direct experience can tell you.
Wrong #3: It's a fucking app! If you're paying attention to your cellular thingamajig you AREN'T paying attention to the world. This goes for bad neighborhoods as well as cars. Safety starts with FULL ATTENTION.
I'm 100% certain that none of these "scientists" are walkers. If they had the EXPERIENCE of walking, they wouldn't have started this absurdity.
= = = = =
Expanding on the theme of ATTENTION, triggered by this typical Tesla cultist quoted in one of the Tesla anticult sites:
Just bought a new @Tesla ! Love the car but within 24 hours I reversed into a car parking post which the car sensors did not pick up and now I have to wait over a month to repair with an authorised Tesla body shop !! Come on @elonmusk you need to sort out your customer service !
Two cadenzas:
1. Kudos to the Tesla anti-cultists, who are doing a
beautiful job. Compare this to the similar Hubbard cult, which had only ONE obscure anti-cultist for many years. That would be, of course,
Alphia Hart in Enid.
2. "A parking post which the car sensors did not pick up." This clearly reflects the same ANTI-ATTENTION mode of thinking as the above researchers. You're not supposed to LOOK and LISTEN via your OWN SENSORS. You're only allowed to trust the sensors provided by Apple or Tesla, monitored and controlled by NSA. Your own eyes, connected unhackably and unmonitorably to your own cerebellum, must be disconnected.

Back in the pre-NSA days, Polistra was using her own eyes to detect the presence or absence of a hazard, with some added assistance from the MECHANICAL sensor driving the light and bell in the
warning sign. The warning sign was NOT controlling the Bantam's brakes and steering. Her own hands and feet were controlling the Bantam's brakes and steering. She was NOT letting her Bantam judge the presence of a train via its Wi-Fi connection to Elon's branch of NSA.
Labels: Aberree, defensible spaces, Morsenet of Things
Sneaky inquisitors
Two purges in similar fields. In both cases the headlines are dangerously deceptive.
= = = = =
First example:
Wansink, the 'food behaviorist', has been purged for misusing statistics. From the headlines I thought he was just another "social" "scientist" who probably deserved to be retracted. The headlines were deceptive.
A deeper article by Inquisitor Hamblin shows the reality.
Wansink describes himself as a “pracademic,” an academic aimed at practical problems and workable solutions, and “a professor whose mission is to help transform people’s lives by finding the small changes that make the big difference.”
Exactly right. That's what science SHOULD be doing.
The Inquisitor demanded recantation:
I asked Wansink about his insight from the ordeal, and how the system and future aspiring and young scientists could learn from his mistakes. He wrote that he still believes being “a scholar and an academic is an unbelievably great calling. It is totally enriching, and don’t let these events dissuade you from a great career.” He is insistent that existing policies based on his work are sound since, he argues, his fundamental conclusions were correct and will be proven so: “We made a number of mistakes, but they didn’t change the basic conclusions (even if they might have been retracted).”
Wansink refused to recant.
While Wansink is generally contrite and apologetic, it’s still not clear if he has internalized that ethos. “You can do research for other academics, or you can do research to solve problems,” he wrote to me. “Doing it for academics is more prestigious, but doing it to solve real problems in the real world is more gratifying—enriching, as I said. Having people say, ‘I do something differently because of your research, and it works’ takes away the sting of someone pointing out the degrees of freedom in an F-test were wrong.”
He has not "internalized the ethos" of consuming billions of dollars to torture and kill people more effectively. Good.
What should we do differently?
The question is how to disconnect scientific work from the buzz cycle—to let people conduct experiments to answer questions in an environment as free as possible of any incentive that would bias that process. Please tell me if you have the answer. What I know is that it involves more public funding of science, not less, as President Trump has called for.
EXACTLY WRONG. LETHALLY WRONG. More funding means more murder. Scientists who work in industry have to justify REAL PROBLEM SOLVING RESULTS if they want more money. Some parts of academia, like agriculture and medicine, are still closely tied to real solutions. Inquisitor Hamblin wants to purify those realms by removing all connection to HELPING PEOPLE. In his "mind" the sole purpose of science is to RUIN MINDS AND EXTERMINATE PEOPLE.
Wansink served REAL SCIENCE by persuading people to eat less, and by showing that INTUITIVELY REASONABLE methods help us to eat less. The lethal theorists INTENTIONALLY DESTROY our intuition so they can yank us back and forth with "correct" "information" that changes daily, makes no sense, and can't be processed by a RATIONAL MIND.
See Github. See Comrade O'Brien.
= = = = =
Second example, less dramatic and much less famous but equally deadly.
The headlines said that an "evidence-based medicine" group had kicked out one of its leaders for failing to be "evidence-based". Okay, sounds like a good move.
Again the details are opposite.
The expulsion of Peter Gøtzsche sparked accusations that the Collaboration is too friendly toward the drug industry. Four other members of the organization’s governing board resigned in response, citing concerns that the action “goes against Cochrane ethos.”
The vote appears to have been 6 of 13 in favor of the move, according to statements from the board members who resigned and Gøtzsche — short of a majority but enough to pass because only 11 voted.
What was Gøtzsche's crime against the "ethos" of science?
Gøtzsche, the director of the Nordic Cochrane Center, in Copenhagen, Denmark, has cast doubts about the safety of a vaccine against human papillomavirus (HPV), a cause of cervical cancer, and says psychiatry has “gone astray” by coercing patients into taking medication, such as antidepressants, they don’t want to use and that cause “brain damage” over the long run. “The way these drugs are used today cause[s] more harm than good. So it would be better for us if the drugs didn’t exist.”
On the vaccine, he wasn't anti-vax, he was simply questioning whether
one particular vaccine had been tested properly.
His critique of psychiatry is PRECISELY CORRECT and INFINITELY NECESSARY.
In other words, he was kicked out of the "evidence-based" group for BASING HIS VIEWS ON EVIDENCE. The "evidence-based" ethos is now exposed as nothing more than a kickback-based ethos. Evidence is a synonym for bribes.
Labels: Ethics
The 300th flower
The current closedown of net media is part of a familiar pattern.
Mao's hundred flowers. Open new channels for expression. Cultivate "sides" to express themselves strongly in the new channels. After the "sides" have gathered up and strengthened the anger of discontented people, identify and kill them.
CIA's hippie movement. Open new channels for expression. Cultivate "sides" to express themselves strongly in the new channels. After the "sides" have gathered up and strengthened the anger of discontented people, identify and kill them.
NSA's internet. Open new channels for expression. Cultivate "sides" to express themselves strongly in the new channels. After the "sides" have gathered up and strengthened the anger of discontented people, identify and kill them.
The current closing stage means the identification is done and the ovens are warming up.
Labels: constants and constants, Sorosia
Is it recessed in here, or is it just you?
Crappy convective thought.
Reading a Collectible Auto article on GM's annus horribilis in 1958. Lots of detailed facts and figures.
We normally assume that "a recession started" in October 1957, and the recession drastically cut down car sales.
The facts and dates actually fit a different causation.
GM's horrible cars came out in Oct 1957. All of them were dramatically uglier and worse than the '57s. GM suffered worst from "the recession", and its millions of indirect employees suffered along with it. Ford was somewhat less horrible, but Edsel's front cunt ruined the corporate reputation. Chrysler products were attractive, but their '57s were poorly built so the '58s sold badly.
Rambler didn't have a recession. Rambler had a BOOM in 1958, which continued through 1962. Even after the Big Three introduced their own compacts, Rambler sales kept increasing. It wasn't just about price or size, it was about a superior product.
If people are actually losing money, they are less able to buy NEW CARS in general. They don't suddenly start buying a different type of new car.
Was this another result of GM
owning the conversation? GM's failure can't be GM's fault. It has to be a mysterious spiritual thing called a "recession".
Labels: Constants and Variables
Demon Dimon wants forgiveness
Via ZH:
Demon Dimon is trying to sound humble, hoping America can forgive Wall Street for KILLING US in 2008 and every year thereafter.
Tell you what, Demon Dimon. I'll consider it AFTER you repay the $35,000 you STOLE from me. That's the 3% compound interest I would have received on my savings account in those ten years if you hadn't STOLEN the interest.
I understand that JPMorgan wasn't the only thief. Bush and Obama and Bernanke were the main thieves, but JPMorgan was part of the gang.
JPMorgan itself has a smaller direct debt to me, which would be impossible to figure. JPMorgan was LBO'ing my publisher for the last five years, which caused the publisher to abandon several subject areas that weren't quite profitable enough. If the publisher hadn't stopped selling those books, I might have received a few thousand more in royalties. Since this is sort of hypothetical and opportunity-cost-ish, I'll settle for the definite $35k interest on savings.
= = = = =
Later remembrance: In fact there was a much more specific JPMorgan debt, complete with a WRITTEN IOU. They arbitrarily CONFISCATED about a thousand dollars from one of my annual royalty checks as part of the LBO bankruptcy. They never paid it back.
Labels: Natural law = Soviet law
Neighborhood note, Ambiguous message department
The vacant apt at 4001 W Crown is still vacant. It was apparently sold back in January, but the new owner hasn't done anything new. Squatters are still in control.

I think one of those "election" puppet-shows is approaching, because I'm starting to see campaign signs for the puppets. Somebody placed a HUGE yard sign in 4001's yard, right against the side of the building.
Ambiguous message! Are you saying the puppet will
get rid of vacant houses? Or are you saying the puppet is
responsible for vacant houses?
Labels: Heimatkunde
Important admission
Bloomberg just revealed an IMPORTANT fact that hasn't been in the public realm.
Real engineers and
real programmers are RIGHT. In fact autonomous cars can't even begin to deal with falling rain or snow on the ground. The autonomonomimizers have been hiding this fact in statements like "Tested for millions of miles in all types of weather." IN FACT the testing in rain and snow was halted quickly, and essentially all of the testing is in clear and dry conditions.
Predictably the techmonsters roared back in the combox with "Yeah, but humans are worse."
First, you didn't READ THE FUCKING ARTICLE. The article just TOLD YOU that aut-cars are VASTLY worse at SEEING in rain and snow. So bad that the makers haven't risked live testing.
Second. human-caused accidents in rain and snow are rarely VISION problems. They're almost all TRACTION problems. Aut-cars have no advantage at all in TRACTION. Modern cars already have some automation in brakes and differentials, but human judgment is still the main factor.
Labels: defensible spaces
Constants and variables 108, Kapvernick and Kaevpernaugh edition
Partisans are mud-wrestling about these two men with nearly identical names. I think one of them is in Sports and the other is in Courts. Aside from the beard they look like the same man. I suspect they are the same man, wearing a fake beard for one of his slightly different roles.
The Kavanack or Karpavick who is in Courts is a standard leftist, identical to Bader Ginsburg. Despite this, the alleged "leftists" are battling ferociously to keep him out of the Supreme Demons, and the alleged "rightists" are battling ferociously to put him in the Supreme Demons.
The Krakamak or Kallikak who is in Sports is also a standard leftist. In this case the alleged "leftists" and "rightists" are not inverted.
Both disputes are utterly meaningless. It doesn't matter if Vacupac or Pakasak gets on the team. In Sports as in Courts, there's no such thing as the Home Team. All teams are made up of imported and interchangeable genocidal demons with infinite wealth and status. All "differences" are labels applied to the external container, with an adhesive much weaker than grocery labels.
I can only see one important variable in this mess. The Sports dispute is somewhat cleaner than the Courts dispute. In the Courts dispute both "sides" are acquiring coats of toxic mud that can't be washed off.
Labels: Constants and Variables
Carverian astrology
Returning to the theme of
harmful hooey vs harmless hooey....
The usual moon madness in Flakkaville...

ON THE DOT. EXACTLY. Karla Rai gets it. She has obviously been
paying attention. The peak pull is about three days before full, as determined by OBSERVATION. Karla Rai is a genuine scientist.
Astrology was originally based on observation. Most of the professionals no longer observe reality, just follow the standard theory about constellations. Exactly like the professional "scientists".
One set of theorists gets billion-dollar grants and has the authority to torture and bomb and obliterate civilization. The other set of theorists works in carnivals and provides a little entertainment.
Harmful hooey vs harmless hooey. Why are they treated differently? Damned if I know.
Labels: Aberree, Carver
Democracy exists in odd places!
Via Reuters: An obscure member of parliament has won election as President of Maldives by 58%.
Yameen, the incumbent, is a classic Roaring Mouse, who has used the "global warming" racket to enrich and strengthen himself. He has also used China's money to build infrastructure. The challenger seems to be representing India against China.
The incumbent tried hard to rig the election but failed.
Yameen’s government has jailed many of his main rivals, including former president and his half-brother Maumoon Abdul Gayoom on charges ranging from terrorism to corruption.
Police late on Saturday raided the main opposition campaign office saying they came to “stop illegal activities”, after arresting at least five opposition supporters for “influencing voters”, opposition officials said.
Influencing voters is a crime. Sounds extremely familiar.
Just like Mueller.
Despite everything, a real election occurred and the opposition won. Will Yameen still manage to overturn the result? Will the local Deepstate refuse to cooperate? The latter is likely but not guaranteed. Deepstate isn't in control everywhere... Italy is a strong and immediate counterexample. Conte and Salvini pulled a handbrake turn, and the bureaucracy turned with them.
I tried to get a sense of which side is Sorosian, but online info doesn't help. OSF doesn't mention Maldives. Looked at bios of other politicians in Solih's party. None of them indicate an agenda on local issues, except wanting to get rid of Yameen's party and restore their own party. That's not an agenda, just the job description of every politician!
Less extinct than thought
Biologists are constantly surprised when "extinct" species turn out to be flourishing in places where the biologists hadn't bothered to look.
My turn to be surprised. In
previous item I mentioned 'private' as one of the categories a train dispatcher needed to know. I ass-u-me-d that private cars were extinct, totally displaced by corporate aircraft in the '50s.
Not at all!
Luxury Train Club rents and arranges for private cars. Even
Amtrak promotes private cars!
Labels: Patient things
Returning to those 1930s radio serials that viewed life from the side of Deplorables. Their message went beyond
simple empathy.
The writers understood that Insatiables have all the advantages. Natural status plus wealth plus easy access to power structures. If Deplorables want to
survive at all we need to grab every available advantage. We can't listen to the Bishops and Kings and Queens who tell us to be
nice and sweet and moral. Nice and sweet and moral means losing your property and skills and life.
The best parable is the story of Jack Horner
as told by Hix. Jack manages a Bishop's estate. The Bishop, wanting to curry favor with Henry VIII, orders his cooks to include the deeds for six of his estates in a pie. Bishop tells Jack to dress fancy and take the best horse to deliver the pie. Along the way, Jack realizes that the servants in the taverns are treating him in a way he's never experienced before, because he has money and visible status. He gets smiles and kisses from women. The light dawns. He opens the pie and grabs one of the deeds, and from then on he's a nobleman.
True or not, it's a good fable.
Green Valley Line is a constant parable in every episode. Locals are fighting off NYC bankers who want to LBO and merge their small railway. They fight fire with fire, lawyers with lawyers, cheating with cheating.
Chihuahuas need to bark and bite. Great Danes can be nice and moral.
Labels: #DeplorableLivesMatter
Think GUI is NUI? PUI.
Train dispatchers in 1900 had an animated display to show which track sections were occupied and how the switches were set. You can see the little miniature signal flags in the top panel.
The dial-like items are
train describers. When another dispatcher needed to know what kind of train was in this section (empty, mail, private, military, etc) the dispatcher would push one of the buttons and the describer would send pulses to the receiving describer.

My version is based on one of the simpler types. More complex GUIs looked like this:
Labels: 1901, Morsenet of Things
Fast development
Browsing through KSHS, I noticed
this document forming a utopian community in Sinaloa. The document doesn't give any clues about the purpose or vision of the community, but it pays close attention to monetary details. Presumably this was just a stock pump.

The medium is more interesting than the message. This was done on a typewriter in June 1889. The first practical typewriter was in 1873 and the first with UC/LC was 1878. So the full-fledged typewriter was just 11 years old when this was written.
The method of making corrections in ink was already established. A first draft in 1970 would have the same style of correction and the same brass brads. Note also the ASCII Art under the word Charter.
The skills and tricks of typing were fully developed, and had reached the remote territory of Kansas, 11 years after the introduction. The skills and tricks remained constant till the end of typewriting.
The signature page is more old-fashioned. Jno. W. Breidenthal clearly fancied himself the Jno. Hancock of the new country. At the other end of the scale, Limbocker wasn't even certain about his own first name.

Later: I'm pretty sure this,contract,hadn't,been examined or,checked,by a lawyer,otherwise,the overflowing commas,would have been, removed. Commas matter,in a,contract.
= = = = =
Better info: Turns out the Kansans weren't doing this on their own. They were joining Albert Owen's
Topolobampo Colony, which was organized along the lines of Henry George's land-based socialism. A classic MLM scheme, intended to make Owen rich. The colony did exist from 1885 to 1895, and as usual everyone except Owen ended up broke.
The best online account seems to be
here, on p 166 of the PDF.
Colonel Owen ... desired to see each state or town organized as a
joint stock company, to which the ground should belong and which should
sell it to the stockholders, but at the same time the purchaser
should have usufruct of the land only so long as he really made
use of it. If he or his heir wished to give it up, he received back from
the company the earnest money. The chief principles from which A. K. Owen
proceeded were: "With united forces" and "integral co-operation";
that is to say, complete social fellowship.
The Kansas document agrees with the joint stock form laid out by Owen.
More: Jno. W. Breidenthal was head of the People's Party, the major populist group. His
actions and
appearance harmonize with his signature. As I've
noted before, the Populist leaders in that era were often serving the bankers or running scams. Their diagnosis was accurate, but their prescription gave MORE power to NYC and bankers. Just like MMT and Bitcoin today.
Labels: MMT, Pluponents
Two unusual DOINGS
I'm tuning out the soap opera of "politics", but even at this setting a couple of unusual and salient things are breaking through my filters.
Trump is perfectly obeying Deepstate on MOST issues, and Deepstate is smashing him to the ground as a reward for his obedience. Just like Nixon. The Tribe always demands obedience then kills you anyway.
Two exceptions. Two GOOD things that Trump is actually DOING.
1. Korea. Deepstate wants war everywhere except Saudi and Israel. If Trump obeyed, he would be fucking up the peace process at every step. Instead, he STOOD BACK AND LET IT HAPPEN. This is the best kind of DOING.
2. Tariffs. Deepstate wants NO BORDERS and NO JOBS and TOTAL OFFSHORING. They had already reached the goal with China, but Trump seems to be SERIOUS about pushing back. Despite the noise, business is already starting to move in the right direction, seeking American sources. It will take some time, and it will cost more to the consumer, but after the period of adjustment consumers will have MORE TO SPEND because they will have BETTER JOBS.
USEFUL WORK is the purpose, not the retail price of crap.

These two DOINGS are inverse in their verb forms and
seemingly inverse in their connection to China. (1) is a passive DOING that definitely agrees with China and Russia's SANE approach to Korea. (2) is an active DOING that seemingly displeases China.
Or does it? China has reached the endpoint of its export/debt commerce with USA, and is trying to become more self-sufficient, more consumer-oriented. Perhaps the noise of HORRIBLE TRUMP makes it easier for China to move away from this connection while saving face with its own people.
That's a guess, but it fits China's traditional way of doing things.
Labels: Make or break, skill-estate
El Fictiono Pulpo del AMCo
Reading an article about the Mexican branch of AMC, which was gaining popularity and creativity during the '70s as the US branch was starting to fade. VAM had several unique models like the Lerma, and had its own versions and nomenclature for the approximately parallel models.
Here we go.
How do you say Pacer in Spanish? Pacer.
How do you say Gremlin in Spanish? Gremlin.
How do you say Hornet in Spanish? Rambler American.
How do you say Rebel in Spanish? Classic.
Ready for the punchline?
How do you say
Matador in Spanish? Classic DPL.
El nuffo dicho.
Labels: El Universo Alternativo
Extended quote from Lea
Here's a relevant passage from
Henry Lea's 1877 book on the Inquisition.
Whether it's read or not, I feel a duty to bring this out. Partly against the direct successors in the Church, mainly against their SECULAR equivalents in Deepstate.
To what extent the Church was responsible for this may be judged by the terrible condition of Rome under Innocent VIII [around 1490.] Outrages of all kinds were committed with impunity so long as the criminal could pay the papal chancery.
When Cardinal Borgia, the vice-chancellor, was reproached with this, he piously replied that God did not desire the death of the sinner, but that he should pay and live. A census of the public women showed them to number 6800, and when the vicar of the city issued a decree ordering all ecclesiastics to dismiss their concubines, Innocent VIII sent for him and ordered its withdrawal, saying that all priests and members of the curia kept them, and that it was no sin.
Power such as was claimed and exercised by the Church could only be wielded by superhuman wisdom. Human nature was too imperfect not to convert it into an instrumentality for the gratification of worldly passions and ambition, and its inevitable result was to plunge society deeper and deeper into corruption, as unity of faith was enforced by persecution.
In this enforcement, as I have said, faith became the only object of supreme importance, and morals were completely subordinated, tending naturally to the creation of a perfectly artificial and arbitrary standard of conduct. If, to win the favor of Satan, a man trampled on the Eucharist believing it to be the body of Christ, he was not liable to the pains of heresy; but if he did so out of disbelief, he was a heretic. If he took interest for money believing it to be wrong, he was comparatively safe; if believing it to be right, he was condemned. It was not the act, but the mental process, that was of primary importance, and willful wrong-doing was treated more tenderly than ignorant conscientiousness.
Thus the divine law on which the Church professed to be founded was superseded by human law administered by those who profited by its abuse. As Cardinal d'Ailly tells us, the doctors of civil law regarded the imperial jurisprudence as more binding than the commands of God, while the professors of canon law taught that the papal decretals were of greater weight than Scripture. Such a theocracy, practically deeming itself as superior to its God, when it had overcome all dissidence, could have but one result.
When we consider, however, the simple earnestness with which multitudes of humble heretics endured the extremity of outrage and the most cruel of deaths, in the endeavor to ascertain and obey the will of God in the fashioning of their lives, we recognize what material existed for the development of true Christianity, far down in the obscurer ranks of society. We can see how greatly advanced might be the condition of humanity had that leaven been allowed to penetrate the whole mass in place of being burned out with fire.
Unorganized and unresisting, the heretics were unable to withstand the overwhelming forces arrayed against them. Power and place and wealth were threatened by their practical interpretation of the teachings of Christ. The pride of opinion in the vast and laboriously constructed theories of scholastic theology, the conscientious belief in the exclusive salvation obtainable through the Church alone, the recognized duty of exterminating the infected sheep and preserving the vineyard of the Lord from the ravages of heretical foxes, all united to form a conservatism against which even the heroic endurance of the sectaries was unavailing.
Of course that was 500 years ago.
Everything is good now.Labels: #DeplorableLivesMatter
Modest GenRad proposal
Lately there's a
lot of discussion about transparency and cost in academic journals. Atypically it's a
real debate with two or three sides actively contending and responding to each other. Most of our "discussions" are one-sided auctions, bidding up the number of innocent victims we need to murder to accomplish a delusional non-purpose.
This article focuses on alleged secondhand smoke effects of SciHub and similar free archives. The author correctly points out that any hacking can lead to deeper hacking. He tries to extend 'can lead' into a broad accusation that the main purpose of the archives is hacking identities.
Dubious. Some of the commenters go beyond dubious, following the Official Deepstate Line. Because the hacking is ACTUALLY coming from China and Thailand and USA, it must be RUSSIAN_MEDDLING. All problems are caused by Russia.
The real problem, of course, is simpler and deeper. The whole tenure system produces a pointless self-feeding economy of status and money, with very little real output of knowledge. As I tiresomely repeat, most real knowledge is generated outside of academia.
= = = = =
Since tenure is not going away, here's a modest proposal based on my own EXPERIENCE on both sides of the divide. I was involved in research for 20 years and listed as co-author of a few papers. Now I'm
consuming articles, partly for my own pleasure and partly to increase my understanding of subjects I need to illustrate in courseware.
Those two PURPOSES are different types of consumption. For my own pleasure I'm not willing to pay $30 or $40 to get through a paywall, and I've found that the paid article usually doesn't go much beyond the free abstract. For courseware I need to know accurate details, so I'm willing to pay even though there's no way I can charge off the expense.
= = = = =
Separate the two purposes, following the
model already established for instrumentation. You can buy a usable sound level meter for about $100. You can buy an OFFICIALLY REGISTERED sound level meter for about $3000. What do you get for 30 times the price? You don't get a meter that's 30 times better. You get OFFICIAL TRACEABLE REGISTERED calibration by GenRad, which you can include in court testimony as part of a chain of evidence.
Let's make the same distinction in published articles. If you're just learning or satisfying your curiosity, you pay a nominal fee of a few dollars. If you need to CITE this article in your OWN OFFICIAL PUBLICATION, you pay $100 or more, which buys a REGISTRATION in an official database. Citing an unregistered article causes instant rejection of your paper.
This will certainly make life easier for non-citing students, and thus ease the pressure for free hacked copies. This
could lead to secondary advantages. (1) Citing will become more selective, making it easier to follow the real precedents of an article. (2) If citeable articles cost a lot more, the quality of citeable articles will tend to improve. Citers will be less willing to pay for material that doesn't advance knowledge.
= = = = =
Later thought: If my instrumentation metaphor is unfamiliar, you could think of open source software. Single user gets it free, while the cost is chiefly handled by expensive commercial licenses.
Labels: Metrology, modest proposal
Point of inflection
This is a point of inflection.

Since the "election" of Bloombergian Copkiller Condon, Spokane has descended rapidly into what used to be called third-world conditions. Copkiller Condon brought in his
NYC buddy Straub to smash the police department to smithereens. He succeeded. Now our property crime rate
beats Compton and Detroit.
The demons criminally occupying the city "council" have been passing a series of genocidal resolutions aimed at killing the poor and enriching the demons.
What are they doing about the homeless? They've proposed a draconian zoning code that basically requires all houses to be brand new, embodying all the latest "environmental" features. Any neighbor can trigger the zoning Gestapo by filing a complaint, which will not be checked. Complaint triggers inspection without search warrant, followed by eviction of Deplorable.
This will guarantee FAST demolition of EVERY house that ordinary people can afford.
Labels: #bluelivesmatter, #DeplorableLivesMatter, infinite infinite infinite infinite evil, infinite infinite infinite infinite infinite infinite infinite lunacy
Dream scripter has a theme in mind
Recently I added the
Green Valley Line serial to my bedtime playlist. I picked it up because it's (obviously enough) about railroads, nicely harmonizing with my current "art" project.
some other '30s serials, Green Valley turned out to be a whole lot more significant. It's a pro-localist and pro-populist fable. Spunky youngsters and experienced oldsters are working together to keep their LOCAL railroad from being LBO'd by greedy capitalists. They're fighting against typical NYC sabotage and espionage and murder.
As usual, dream scripter grabbed up part of the sound and wrote its own story with an entirely new setting and purpose.
In this case dream scripter retained the spunky youngsters and experienced oldsters, and FLIPPED their purpose. A group of #antifa and #resistance types had established a phone connection to Monster McCain in the Hades area code. Monster McCain was giving them specific strategies to DEFEND Deepstate against localists and populists.
Dream scripter seems to be following a pattern.
Last week it rewrote an episode of
Strange as it Seems into a campaign appearance by Mondale returned from the dead.
Labels: defensible spaces, defensible times
Think bad Photoshop is new?
Still studying and modeling old railstuff. Found a wonderful source of detailed pictures and diagrams. Here's a fantastic gadget on p 493 of
this PDF:

A 'three-aspect flagman', flashing, swinging and ringing.
The picture itself is beautiful, sort of Currier&Ivesian. EXCEPT: the locomotive had to be still when taking the photo, so the developer added a crappy airbrushed smoke cloud. Is that glazed ceramic smoke, or snow-covered smoke?
Labels: Morsenet of Things
Asked and answered
Perfect asked-answered pair, from National Catholic Register headlines.

Nuff said.
Labels: Asked and answered
John Smith? Never heard of him.
On TV and radio cop shows, the detective sagaciously detects that a hotel guest has registered as "John Smith". The detective, gathering up his vast and famous and brilliant deductive powers, begins investigating to determine if "John Smith" might possibly be an alias.
This happens all the time in fiction.
Today I stopped to think. How does this compare with EXPERIENCE? I spent 5 years as a motel clerk in the '70s, so I do have actual experience in this area.
Half of the guests were 'shady', and maybe 1/5 of them were using the motel for criminal activities.
NONE of them ever signed "John Smith" or "John Doe". It's a safe bet that some names were fake, but none seemed suspicious.
VW is getting passionate around the electric car space. Along with two or three high-priced makes, this pretty much wipes out Elon from all angles. Won't matter to Tesla stock, of course. Everything is bullish for share value. Total failure of production, accelerating criminal stupidity, crushed by superior competition, all bullish. When you're COOL nothing matters.
VW is an especially apt competitive match for Tesla. From the start VW was a dangerously bad car with a COOL reputation and a rabid cult following**. In recent years it was passionate around the crime space with its diesel software cheating.
Here's what caught my attention:

VW is returning to its roots. Platform frame, aircooled rear engine, swing axles. Torsion bars, the only good part of the original setup, are missing. Only the bad parts have returned.
= = = = =
** Disclaimer:
I was part of the VW cult until I grew up and reformed. That's why I'm so hard on the Tesla cultists. Reformed Ex Syndrome.
More goggles stripped off
Another good sign of real Carverian science returning.
Standard THEORIES assume that pre-Cambrian life forms were simple and dumb.
Like Neanderthals. Like plants. Like Deplorables of all species and epochs.
Now a
group at Vanderbilt has removed their Theory Goggles and looked at the actual animals without condescension.
The analysis showed that a majority of fossil assemblages bear the hallmarks of being ecologically complex, and Ediacara biota were forming complex communities tens of millions of years before the Cambrian explosion. The creatures lived partially submerged in what was once the ocean floor, some of them suspension feeding, others filter feeding, still others passively absorbing nutrition. A few were even mobile.
If you started with EXPERIENCE you wouldn't have these limitations. Our actual EXPERIENCE with all life forms tells us that all life is INFINITELY COMPLEX, forming INFINITELY COMPLEX networks with other individuals and species, kept running by HYPERINFINITE negative feedback loops and INCALCULABLY COMPLEX communications between and within individuals and species.
Life had to be INFINITELY COMPLEX from the FUCKING START, otherwise it couldn't have been life.
If you are LOOKING ABOUT YOU and TAKING HOLD OF THE THINGS THAT ARE HERE and TALKING TO THEM and LETTING THEM TALK TO YOU, there's no way in hell you could assume even finite complexity at any level or any era.
CARVER.Labels: Carver
Bravo to Mike Lee
Via ZH:
The law requires that the US Postal Service to keep electronic records of incoming foreign shipments like their contents and the identity of the sender - records that other shippers like UPS and FedEx already provide. It also includes funding for treatment while altering laws to increase the availability of certain medications designed to fight addiction.
In other words, we're going to make a problem worse by pretending to "solve" it as usual.
When people are seeking relief from tyranny through chemicals, you can't possibly fix the problem by restricting sources of chemicals. New sources will develop internally.
Nice inverse pattern in terms of
Graybill's Law.
We use sanctions and blockades to prevent imports of GOOD STUFF to Persia, Russia, and Cuba. Result: Those countries developed their OWN skills and industries to make GOOD STUFF.
We use offshoring to FORCE imports of GOOD STUFF to America. Result: America loses its OWN skills and industries to make GOOD STUFF.
Second result: Because our ordinary men are not able to make GOOD STUFF any more, they turn to BREAKING stuff and committing suicide and homicide, speedily or slowly.
Of course we respond BACKWARDS to the epidemic of BREAKING. Instead of restoring our own industries, we blockade the import of BAD STUFF. Result: We will develop our own skills and industries to make BAD STUFF.
Amazingly, one resident of DC is sane:
Sen. Mike Lee, the lone hold out, has blasted the bill as a giant waste of taxpayer money that will do little to stem the flow of illegal drugs into the US.
Bravo. I hadn't heard of Mike Lee before. Now I'll try to pay more attention.
Labels: Make or break, skill-estate
Constants and variables 107, MISSING THE WHOLE FUCKING POINT edition
Gave a quick listen to the first O'Keefe Deepstate expose.
O'Keefe is missing the WHOLE FUCKING POINT, running the classic
pork-buster distraction. Karaffa says at the start of the clip that his section had been "modernizing, democratizing, shining light where it should be". Since his budget was cut, he's spending most of his time doing political party shit.
Now that Karaffa is no longer OBLITERATING other countries, he's spending time on pointless political activity which will replace current Deepstate politicians by other Deepstate politicians. Inconsequential and harmless. [Replacing Deepstate politicians with non-Sorosians would be helpful, but it's PHYSICALLY IMPOSSIBLE, so there's no reason to fantasize about it.]
Think in terms of Parkinson. Bureaucrats are going to be in their offices no matter what they're doing, and bureaucracies will always expand no matter what they're doing.
Since an expanding bureaucracy is an ineradicable constant, I'd much rather pay them to waste time instead of BOMBING MILLIONS OF INNOCENT PEOPLE.
Later: The second /// AND THIRD /// clip in this series is the same. Bureaucrats doing harmless and meaningless shit instead of ruining the world. Even worse, the government is going to "investigate", thus forcing the bureaucrats to stop piddling and resume murdering. Which side are you on, O'Keefe?
The fourth video on IRS starts to get serious. The asshole named Sheehy is mainly talking about wasting time, but he also indicates that he's proud to
use his authority against heretics. He doesn't quite say
how he punishes heretics, but at least he's talking about DOING evil work, not avoiding evil work.
So far this series doesn't tell us much, compared to the earlier interviews with Twitter and Google employees who
specifically described how they censored and silenced dissent.
Labels: Constants and Variables
Constants and variables 106, Mormon Mennonite Mandarin edition
As I've
noted repeatedly, the line between Soros and non-Soros corresponds pretty closely to debt vs saving. The one BIG exception is China, which has fueled its tremendous mercantile expansion with pure debt. Now that the debt is starting to unravel, the non-Soros side may need to make some decisions.
History has a pattern. Debt fails, saving succeeds. Theory fails, experience succeeds. When a debt and theory society crumples, savers and experiencers move in and take the territory without war. Natural selection = natural law.
You can see this on a smaller scale with Mennonites and Mormons. Both groups obey Natural Law closely. No debt, no gambling. Make more valuable life, make more living value.
In the Kansas and Okla wheat belt, Mennonites moved in and started living by Natural Law. No mortgages, no bank debt, have lots of kids, train the kids to do useful work. Several waves of 'English' moved in UNDER THE COMMAND OF NYC BANKS, then quickly went bankrupt because they lacked EXPERIENCE. Each time the wave returned Eastward, the Mennonites quietly claimed some of the vacant land and let their kids turn it into successful farms.
Between the Rockies and the Sierras, a similar process. Banks promoted waves of
LBO/IPO "pioneers" aka debt slaves. Each wave improved the land, added irrigation and barns, then failed because they were living on debt with no reserves. The NYC banks remortgaged the improved land at a higher price. Mormons were quietly living with massive reserves and lots of disciplined and trained kids. The kids grabbed up the foreclosed land and added more reserves and more disciplined and trained kids.
Does this analogy apply to Russia (saving, experience) and China (debt, theory)? I can't see it working. China has never been bought out or invaded. China may be the huge exception to the pattern.
Labels: Constants and Variables, defensible spaces
From an extremely different era 4
Continuing the
theme of constrained monopolies....
I was thinking about the timeline of USEFUL and MEANINGFUL research in speech and hearing and language. Realized that the timeline is simple and binary. When Bell Labs was running, there was meaningful and useful research. After Bell Labs closed down** in '84, no more meaningful and useful research. We're just reheating Bell's leftovers.
Broadly, in all fields of learning, academia has never been the major source of useful and meaningful research and knowledge. Real knowledge has always come from commercial and military developments. EXPERIENCE and PURPOSE, not theory.
In most subjects the commercial and military developments are scattered across many companies and agencies and countries. In speech and hearing it's
just Bell Labs, nobody else.
Why was Bell unique?
Constrained monopoly, similar to Soviet industry. ATT was granted a monopoly under strict rules. It issued stock like other corporations, but it couldn't listen to The Market, couldn't play the usual manipulation games. It had to work toward the public interest, so it did. Its research was nominally aimed at improving the phone system, but every topic expanded far beyond Bell's narrow interests.
Key points: Socialism does NOT mean entitlements and free stuff. Socialism does NOT mean non-zero taxes.
More subtly, the usual dictionary definition, "state ownership of the means of production", doesn't hit the target. We have partial government
ownership of GM now, without the advantages of socialism. The best definition is
"state CONTROL of investment." Bell exemplified state CONTROL without state OWNERSHIP.
When invested money is controlled and distributed by Goldman and Bezos and Elon, the economy serves Goldman and Bezos and Elon, which means EXACTLY ZERO useful and meaningful developments in any area. It means TOTAL DESTRUCTION OF ALL REAL VALUE AND LIFE.
** The lab supposedly continued as Lucent after ATT broke up, but the real research stopped at that point.
Labels: Natural law = Soviet law
From an extremely different era 3
Noticed in a 2002 Collectible Auto article on GM's sneaky "severe usage" models aimed solely at professional racing:
Unfortunately all the effort came to naught. On January 24, 1963 GM, fearing an antitrust suit from the Dept of Justice, announced that it was pulling out of all factory-sponsored racing activities. Apparently the "Win on Sunday, Sell on Monday" marketing was working too well, pushing GM's market share dangerously close to the 60% level that would trigger a Federal investigation.
60% was the threshold, and the
Feds obviously MEANT IT. We can guess that GM was also taking several other steps to control its market dominance.
Can you imagine any Federal market regulator "working too well" now? What is the threshold where Bezos will take steps to control his market dominance? Null concept. Unimaginable. He can own the entire world and the Feds will continue to give him infinite subsidies and zero taxes to help him own all universes. We've gone from anti-trust to Required Trust.
Labels: defensible times
A break in the embargo?
Here's something unusual. Spokane airport noted via Twitter:
You may have seen a larger than usual plane in the skies above Spokane this afternoon. An Antonov AN-124 landed at Spokane International Airport earlier today.
The plane is branded with Volga-Dnepr.com. Looking at their website, they're a specialist air cargo firm. They handle pharmaceuticals, manufactured goods, big animals, and several other categories.
Spokane airport didn't give any further info about the flight, so it's still a mystery. The picture doesn't show any forklifts or trucks moving cargo.
Any commercial connection between US and Russia is welcome in this infinitely loony time!
Later, the airport added: "The Antonov needed a place to park for a couple of days and we were more than happy to assist." ... which still doesn't explain much.
= = = = =
Pure stupid speculation: There's a lot of action lately
around the cannabis space as the IPO fraudsters say. Canada is all legal, Calif and Wash have been legal for a long time.
DEA is finally starting to loosen up in the direction of "medical" marijuana, which is of course not medical at all but the
first face-saving step toward plain old legalization. US freight companies are still locked into federal regulations
which are getting stricter, not looser. A Russian air freight company specializing in pharma wouldn't have the same limitations...??
Since I'm bitching about old radio and TV this week...
Youtube's grand automatic purge is taking down most of the good '50s TV channels.
Orwellian rectification = Github. Eliminate everything that doesn't fit the orthodox fashions of the current picosecond. Remove reminders of former civilizations.
So far archive.org isn't joining the purge. I'm picking up and storing some of the good stuff before it disappears entirely.
Why you can't avoid Google
I was trying to find something halfway reliable about the mysterious closure of the NM Sunspot observatory. I prefer to avoid Google, so I tried news.bing.com.
NOTHING about the observatory, NOTHING about sunspots. Scrolled down at least 300 items, and it's all varied and miscellaneous stuff about
Baltimore. The Baltimore sport teams, local Baltimore politics, Baltimore real estate, Baltimore weddings....
What does Baltimore have to do with sunspots, and why don't sunspots have any connection with sunspots?
Oh. The Baltimore newspaper is the Sun. Bing thinks you want to see stuff from the Baltimore Sun when you type
Google knows what you mean. The first few scrollpages are on the observatory story, plus a variety of other scientific items about actual sunspots. Nothing about Baltimore.
This is why Google wins, whether you WANT to use it or not. The alternatives are perfectly useless.
"Conservatives" keep talking about the need for alternatives to FB and Google and Twitter, but they haven't done anything meaningful. As always in partisan politics, maintaining the talking point is all that counts. Actual solutions are unthinkable.
Back when newspapers were worth reading, I used to enjoy the more obscure parts of the paper, especially the Legal Notices. Will and quitclaim notices, with their long strings of akas, were fun to recite or sing. Other lawsuits implied a fascinating backstory. I never quite figured out what a
friendly lawsuit was. It was fairly clear from the context. Two companies, or one company and its union, had settled a dispute on their own. They wanted the court to register the result as an enforceable judgment so future executives on one side couldn't back out of it.
Techdirt has a
story about a
summary judgment, which sounds like the same thing. I'd never properly looked up a definition of
friendly lawsuit, so I googled it.
Some online sources agree with my inductive conclusion. Most of them seem to think that a friendly lawsuit is ONLY an agreement pertaining to guardianship of a child.
Which is true? Obviously these two info sources need a friendly lawsuit to settle the issue.
Wheatstone all the way down
As I learn about the astonishingly complex and creative computing system called Railroads, one DOMINANT concept appears over and over.
From the start, railroad circuitry and mechanisms were DIFFERENTIAL. Two-sided, like
nervous systems. The hugely complex
staff system was diff all the way.
On the electrical side, this was a British tendency, starting from Mr Diff himself,
Wheatstone. Later British
electronics carried on the principle of balance. A balance doesn't have an absolute zero, it only has DELTAS between two or more inputs. British culture and politics are also diffish. See Shadow Cabinet.
American electronics has tended more toward on/off, 1/0, again starting from Mr On-Off himself, Morse. An American system does have an absolute zero. Our politics and culture continue the On-Off tradition. See Impeachment.
Obviously both tendencies are needed in various situations, but railroads are a British invention and always retained the British preference for diffs and deltas.
The simplest mechanical expression of a diff is the switch.

this way vs that way, SPDT. Not
this way vs no way, SPST. There are always two destinations, even when one of them is a short siding for a loading dock. You can't send REAL PHYSICAL OBJECTS into nowhere. You can send bits and bytes into nowhere.
An economy devoted to bits and bytes, or a
"store of value" consisting of bits and bytes, can be obliterated in an instant.
Switches have been part of the system for 170 years. There are an uncounted number of switches... probably millions? ... in the world. Each one moves back and forth by just a few inches, turning a vast load of REAL VALUE toward one path or the other, bearing millions of tons of weight, lasting many decades.
Labels: Morsenet of Things, Natural law = Sharia law, Natural law = Soviet law, Patient things
The three Ins
Yesterday I was
bitching about a 1951 radio program that turned out to be awful. Another bad experience with a '50s program tonight led to a minor Aha.
Why were the cheap programs from the '30s better?
The division isn't precise, but in general 1930s movies and radio were written from a
realistic view of human genes and differences. When you're down you need to understand that you're permanently down, and
shape your life to survive the predicament. Hearing stories about other people who are in various predicaments helps us to understand and tolerate variety, and helps us develop our own
strategies. The writers were conscious of this mission, and shaped their stories toward understanding, not mass action.
Genes were abolished in 1946. Instead of genes,
choices are responsible for everything. Cop shows started with a moralistic lecture aimed at parents. If your kid turns out bad, it's entirely your fault. If lots of kids are turning to crime, it's everyone's fault. Education cures all ills, so we need to spend more money on education. But if YOU'RE not rich and popular, you need to try harder. You CAN be rich and popular after you obey the orders of the rich and popular people As Seen On TV and buy the products they recommend.
When most of life is seen as predetermined, there's no reason to obey mass instructions. Everyone is permanently different, so everyone has to figure out how to survive his own unique life. You can't do much about other lives; you can only do your own.
When everything is possible, solely depending on actions, the authorities can mobilize people to action. Mass guilt leads to mass action AS RECOMMENDED, individual shame leads to individual action AS RECOMMENDED.
Rome has always done things the latter way. Original Sin and Prosperity Gospel. Our priests are rich and powerful because Jesus was rich and powerful. Anyone can gain power by sucking up to the priests (lit and fig). If criminals misbehave, it's everyone's fault. We shouldn't punish the criminal or protect ourselves against the criminals. Instead we should try harder to
worship the authorities.
= = = = =
The Sorosian world follows the Roman model. Three steps.
Insinuation, Instigation, Inquisition. Unsurprisingly, the FBIII, founded by the perfect Roman, implements these three steps perfectly.
Insinuation: There are evil forces MEDDLING with our souls. Witches or Terrorists or RussianBots. You may be a witch, or you may know a witch. All of us are responsible for finding and detecting witches.
Instigation: Some people will respond to the
You May Be part of the message by deciding to Be. When you're down and out, watching the rich and wicked succeed with impunity, the bonds of guilt-based action break. You've been obeying, and things keep getting worse. The authorities As Seen On TV are disobeying every rule of natural and written law, and they get away with it. They are committing mass murder all the time with no guilt, and they want us to feel guilt for having wrong thoughts (such as thinking the authorities commit mass murder all the time.) You say
FUCK IT. Okay, I'm a witch. At this point the authorities give you an
organization and a plan so you can FUCK IT in a way that will serve their purposes.
Inquisition: Now that the witch has been cultivated, it's time for the Star Chamber and the barbecue.
= = = = =
Credit footnote:
Henry Lea's book outlines the three steps in the earlier version of Sorosia. I've simply mirrored them into modern times.
Lea's description of the link between Insinuation and Instigation is especially powerful and still fresh. Modern writers either don't understand it or deliberately skip it.
Labels: Natural law = Sharia law, Natural law = Soviet law
Language update for ... 2018?
Professor Polistra has missed her language updates for
almost a year! She finally returns with a relatively new bucket of wordshit.

= = = = =
In the last few years
kippa has TOTALLY replaced
Google's ngram thingie only goes up to 2008, but it does show yarmulke dropping off after 2002 as kippa rises from zero. If it continued to the present, you'd see a sharp increase in kippa, and a crash of yarmulke.
Why? No obvious reason. SPLC and ADL haven't been publicly complaining about yarmulke. If they had complained even once, ALL MEDIA AND GOVERNMENTS AND CORPORATIONS AND SCHOOLS AND CHURCHES would be SLAMMING AND BASHING AND BURNING AND EXECUTING everyone who had ever written or mentioned or thought about yarmulke in any context, public or private. The FBI would be bombing the "compounds" of all possible and accused and suspected offenders.
= = = = =
Why do combox mockers always spell America as Murica? Presumably they're trying to mock the way Deplorables say the name.
In fact NOBODY has ever pronounced it that way. Not even close.
Serious right-wingers are precise. They always say
Thee U ni ted States Of A mer i ca.
The president is always
Thee Pre si dent Of Thee U ni ted States Of A mer i ca, and the unused extinct constitution is always
Thee Con sti tu tion Of Thee U ni ted States Of A mer i ca.
= = = = =
An odd autocorrect found
With no obvious exit available, @CSUtilities is responding to open a manhole cover above the Barre in hopes it will climb out. Then @COParksWildlife officers will haze the bear in hopes of scaring it away from this neighborhood and back into the forest.
Barre is pronounced like bear in exactly one rare context: Wilkes-Barre. The capitalization verifies. The more obvious autocorrect error would be
= = = = =
Sputnik pronunciation
Starting with the very first report, Americans have always pronounced it the Russian way. But for some reason
Sputnik News pronounces the word by English rules, Sput rhyming with gut or nut. Is this like Murica? Assuming that Americans must pronounce things stupidly?
Though our pronunciation has always been right, our habitual pictures of Sputnik 1 have always been wrong... again starting with that first report. The CBS image shows a sphere with antennas popping out radially on all sides. The actual Sputnik looked more like a folded umbrella or a jellyfish, with all antennas pointing the same way.
= = = = =
Loading up noses?
The main inspiration for this research was the use of coffee beans to clear the olfactory pallet, so to speak, in perfume shops.
= = = = =
A very old and totally obscure word that suddenly reappeared in publication.
From RT:
Statistics from the Federal Customs Service showed that in July the country shipped 3.8 million tons of wheat and meslin (a mixture of wheat and rye), up by almost 78 percent from the previous month. The value of exports rose by 74 percent.
The article treats
meslin as a common term, but it's far from common. Google has trouble finding anything about it.
The etymology is interesting. It's a shortening of
miscellaneous, and it's been in English for a thousand years. Specifically denotes one form of brass alloy, or a mix of wheat and rye and barley.
Judging from the few mentions in official statistics and tariff lists, meslin was never popular in the US, and seems to be a Balkan specialty. Bulgaria and Croatia use it.
= = = = =
Saving vs Debt, non-parallel
An odd semantic asymmetry, noted in Polistra's
The non-Sorosian side of the world, the god side, is mainly focused on saving and making, while the Sorosian side, Satan's side, is virulently focused on debt and breaking.
The grammatical parallel of
saving would be
borrowing, but
borrowing is NOT the semantic opposite of
saving. The sentence would look better with 'virulently focused on borrowing and breaking', which alliterates nicely, but
borrowing is NOT the same thing as
Saving works equally well for the act of putting away money and the cultural preference for storage.
Borrowing refers only to the act of getting into debt, not the cultural preference.
= = = = =
Bezos declined to defend himself, but did defend the Washington Post, saying it is dangerous for politicians to "demonize" the media.
Professor Polistra agrees firmly with Bezos. It's dangerous to demonize the media. It's dangerous to thunderstormize a hurricane. It's dangerous to goldfishize a shark. It's dangerous to geckoize an alligator. It's dangerous to twitchize a seizure. It's dangerous to sleepize death.
Labels: Language update
Plan 9 from outer radio
Yesterday I was bored and restless, needed something new and interesting to grab my attention at bedtime. Started looking through archive.org for potentially worthy radio shows. Aha! Here's one I've never heard before.
Inspector Thorne. Aired in 1951 on NBC prime time, so it had a good budget and access to good actors. The episode titles seemed promising.
GAAAAKKKKK! It's the worst thing I've ever heard. The budget bought music from a real orchestra, but the writing and acting are worse than any high-school drama class.
Most of my listening is low-budget syndicated serials, with no music and simple sound effects. All of them are written and acted COMPETENTLY, with frequent moments of brilliant insight and empathy. Inspector Thorne doesn't even have occasional moments of semi-competence.
Was it a parody, like Vic & Sade? Could be, but I didn't hear any indications of non-seriousness. According to
Radio GOLDINdex, the show was a summer fill-in, lasting only 11 episodes and never acquiring a sponsor.
Github vs Silk Road
Convective thought while walking:
I've been thinking about the idiotic
Github Syndrome a lot, and I've been studying
1880 computing systems while "making" digital models of old railroad stuff.
The two collided.
The non-Sorosian side of the world, the god side, is mainly focused on saving and making, while the Sorosian side, Satan's side, is virulently focused on debt and breaking. Smashing dams, obliterating countries, turning order to chaos.
Does the god side suffer from Github Syndrome? Turns out to be an easy question. What are China and Russia MAKING as part of the Silk Road? Are they making new 999 Terabyte web cables? No. Are they making airports? No. Spaceports? No. Elonian Hyperloops? Fuck no.
They're building RAILROADS and ROADS and PIPELINES.
All old tech. All
well-tested tech, with experience and debug times ranging from 6K years for roads to 2K years for pipelines to 200 years for railroads.
More to the point, they're setting up a system to carry REAL PHYSICAL MATERIALS AND PRODUCTS, a system for MAKERS, while the Github side is concentrating on 999 Terabyte web cables to carry false and criminal "information", a system for TAKERS.
Who uses 999 TB web cables? NSA and NYSE.
Spies and stock traders. Destroyers of souls, killers of industries, obliterators of the universe, genocidal demons.
= = = = =
Metaconvective thought ABOUT thoughts and walking: Why does walking create new convective thoughts and damp down old bad thoughts? Maybe because
walking makes new neurons? New neurons are not part of old memory patterns, and new neurons can form new thoughts. (The damping-down part is already known; the new-thought part is a new thought.)
= = = = =
Feb 2019 update:
This new study suggests that an obscure hormone called
irisin, produced during exercise, is the specific key that stimulates neuron growth in the hippocampus.
Labels: Make or break, Morsenet of Things, Sorosia
Going beyond selling your soul
When Rick Perry stayed in the Trump admin after it was PERFECTLY CLEAR that Trump was Hillary, he sold his soul. Now he's moved to the Champion Salesman level in the Satan MLM cult:
The United States welcomes competition from Russia on the global energy markets, but Russia can no longer use energy as an economic weapon, U.S. Secretary of Energy Rick Perry said on Thursday during his meeting with Russia’s Energy Minister Alexander Novak in Moscow.
At the meeting, “Secretary Perry also expressed his disappointment and concern about Russia’s continued attempts to infiltrate the American electric grid,” a statement from the U.S. Department of Energy on the meeting says.
We collapsed Russia in 1989 mainly by using oil price as an economic weapon. We got Saudi to overproduce. Now Satan Perry ORDERS Russia not to return the favor. Fortunately it's a meaningless order, since the rest of the world no longer gives a fuck. Even Germany is sticking with Russia on the Nordstream pipeline.
The lie about hacking the energy grid was already exposed as a lie. Even Deepstate newspapers quietly admitted it was a lie after SCREECHING the lie.
Shame on you, Rick Perry. Shame shame shame. You had a chance to keep your soul, a chance to remain human. Now you're a vile filthy hyperdemon.
Labels: infinite infinite infinite infinite evil
Speaking of subjectivity.....
Latest in the Classy Spokane department:

Mooning is a symbolic communication, requiring a sender and receiver. Cats have zero empathy, zero understanding of human signals, near-zero intelligence. Cats survive because of their superfast reflexes. Therefore no mooning occurred. The human was exposing himself to a non-intelligent and non-perceptive object, pretty much like exposing yourself to an ant or exposing yourself to a toilet.
Subjective Florence
The Weather Bureau has an
interesting animation of the latest hurricane. Instead of holding the map still and showing the cyclone moving across the map, this graphic stays with the cyclone and moves the map under it. In modern terms, a GoPro view.
I've never seen an
empathetic animation of a weather system. It's always been possible, but nobody used it.
Proper science, Carverian science, starts with making a NEW observation of reality. There aren't any new things on Earth, so we have to achieve NEWness by looking at the old things from different mental angles.
Recent major discoveries in biology happened because the lookers decided to remove their Theory Goggles. Theory tells you that bacteria CAN'T POSSIBLY live in volcanic vents or the stratosphere, so you don't look. Theory tells you that animals can't be thawed, so you don't try. Theory tells you that genes are permanent, so you toss out the part of the genome that looks wiggly.
This is a new angle on weather. Will it lead to better understanding? Only if the meteorologists remove their Carbon Goggles.
Labels: Carbon Cult, Carver
Sorosian cognitive dissonance alert!
Be on the lookout for exploding gender-neutral heads wearing square black glasses and butch haircuts.
The DALAI LAMA has said:
Europe belongs to the Europeans.
What to do about migrants?
Receive them, help them, educate them ... but ultimately they should develop their own country.
The Dalai Lama is the ultimate authority for SJW and Swedish types.
Now that he is saying the SAME WORDS as Farage, Salvini, Orban, and Trump....
Labels: Sorosia
Permissionless and pointless innovation
Elon has now invented a hard-to-imagine super-futuristic thing that can move cars and people UP AND DOWN inside a thing. This is a WOW INNOVATIVE DISRUPTIVE SCI-FI IDEA that nobody ever imagined before!!!!!!!!!!!

Note the thing that goes up and down! WOW!
I think I've found one of Elon's prototype sketches.

This was never imagined before Mighty Creator Elon dreamed it up! All hail Mighty Elon!
The Mighty Creator says:
The company asserts that it can dig tunnels more quickly and efficiently than has been the case in other tunnel projects, in part because of the tunnel design. Vehicles in the tunnel would be transported on electric skates. Without internal combustion engines chugging away, tunnels would be smaller, as ventilation is less of an issue. An autonomous electric skate would also, theoretically at least, reduce accidents and traffic within the tunnel.
WOW DOUBLE WOW! A transit system that runs underground using ELECTRIC POWER! Nobody has ever CONCEIVED of such a WOW AMAZING THRILLING PASSIONATEING idea!!!!!!!!!!
This seems to be another of Elon's sketches:

= = = = =
Leaving aside the irresistible sarcasm, the invention can't work on its own terms. After the elevator gets the car to the lower shaft, and after the car drives over to the main tunnel, how do you put the autonomous skates UNDER the car? How do you turn the car 90 degrees and merge it SIDEWAYS into the fast-moving traffic in the tunnel with no on-ramp? What happens if just ONE of the autonomous skates runs out of battery power? The whole system freezes up with people in the cars. I'm passionate around the Asphyxiating Gridlock Space! Wow!
In the bad old days when innovation required permission, a patent lawyer would have asked these questions immediately, and would have gently told the presumably 10-year-old inventor to keep trying and learn something about mechanisms. Now we're past those bad old days. We're back in the Disruptive 1300s when the only question was WHO. If the invention was scrawled by the inbred infantile insane King, the entire budget of the Kingdom would be devoted to building it, even though it couldn't possibly work. If the WHO was a non-aristocrat, an older invention known as an "ax" would be utilized.
Permissionless innovation
Strether at NakedCapitalism goes along with the "global warming" racket but on other issues he's sensible and insightful. He worked in manufacturing for a long time and understands the basic difference between making THINGS and making DEBT.
Here's an important insight:
“Scooter use is rising in major cities. So are trips to the emergency room.” [WaPo]. “They have been pouring into emergency rooms around the nation all summer, their bodies bearing a blend of injuries that doctors normally associate with victims of car wrecks — broken noses, wrists and shoulders, facial lacerations and fractures, as well as the kind of blunt head trauma that can leave brains permanently damaged. When doctors began asking patients to explain their injuries, many were surprised to learn that the surge of broken body parts stemmed from the latest urban transportation trend: shared electric scooters.” • Yay for “permissionless innovation”! It’s also nice to be able to see Silicon’s real attitude toward safety revealed so rapidly. Remember this episode whenever you read safety claims by Silicon Valley firms on robot cars, and AI generally.
Permissionless innovation. Perfect phrase.
The software industry was developed with lots of government funding but NO regulation. Silicon Valley was never constrained by the need to serve real people or save lives, so it ruins real people and ends lives.
I've been noticing this distinction for a long time, with special focus when
studying older industries to "make" digital models.
Telegraph and
telephone and
railroads and
radio were regulated and semi-nationalized early on, so they became RELIABLE and CONSTRAINED servants of the public welfare. All are common carriers, all need to own large amounts of property, all need to intrude into houses and businesses in various ways. The ownership and intrusion have been strictly regulated from the start.
The Web also needs to own large amounts of property and intrude. Because it's unregulated, its ownership and intrusion are EXTREME and CRIMINAL.
Web-related companies think and act like Mafias. Everything yields to the need for endless updates, constantly creating
MORE bugs and MORE confusion and LESS security, and wasting 90% of the computer's time.
The Github mentality is identical to the mobster who hits businesses with a weekly price increase and rule change if they want to maintain protection. "Yeah, $100 was okay last week, but now it's $150 and you have to sell meth for us."
When software intrudes into industries that actually save lives, like hospitals, the result is deadly. Unregulated UI/UX confuses doctors and wastes their time, leading to errors that wouldn't have occurred with paper and dictaphones. The software itself makes errors in judgment that can't be traced.