Why do you need trade agreements?
The sneaky snaky demonic dysgovernment of Britain is still pretending that Brexit is "being negotiated". By now everyone understands that it won't happen. It's a cruel fraud and a criminal hoax. As usual in Sorosia, the people "voted" in an "election" that was never meant to count.
Convective thought: Why do you need ANY negotiations? If you have a product or service that people want, and the price is good, people will buy it.
Example: I've bought old Soviet radios on Ebay from sellers in Belarus. Belarus doesn't have any trade agreements with USA**. It's applying to join WTO but hasn't been approved. Sellers in Moldova are also common on Ebay. Moldova barely counts as a country, doesn't have a serious government.
Trade occurs EASILY without trade agreements.
So just GET THE FUCK OUT of EU and start trading with countries that want to trade. Buy shit from countries that have shit you want. Sell shit to countries who want your shit. Let the agreements follow the reality. If two countries want to screw around with negotiations, they should screw on the basis of PROVEN supply and demand.
= = = = =
** There's a better example of
large-scale commerce with Belarus when it was part of the USSR. Belarus tractors were sold in Oklahoma in the '60s and '70s, even though we didn't have any "legal" trade treaties. Belarus tractors were popular because Belarus tractors were GOOD tractors at a GOOD price. If US had wanted to protect its own tractor industry, it could have simply halted the import at the border. That's what borders are for. No treaty needed.
Labels: Sorosia