VW is getting passionate around the electric car space. Along with two or three high-priced makes, this pretty much wipes out Elon from all angles. Won't matter to Tesla stock, of course. Everything is bullish for share value. Total failure of production, accelerating criminal stupidity, crushed by superior competition, all bullish. When you're COOL nothing matters.
VW is an especially apt competitive match for Tesla. From the start VW was a dangerously bad car with a COOL reputation and a rabid cult following**. In recent years it was passionate around the crime space with its diesel software cheating.
Here's what caught my attention:
VW is returning to its roots. Platform frame, aircooled rear engine, swing axles. Torsion bars, the only good part of the original setup, are missing. Only the bad parts have returned.
= = = = =
** Disclaimer:
I was part of the VW cult until I grew up and reformed. That's why I'm so hard on the Tesla cultists. Reformed Ex Syndrome.