Tiny electronic devices will avert automobile and airplane collisions; electric eyes will automatically turn on auto headlights as darkness... tourists traveling from NY to Calif will transfer the responsibility of guiding the steering wheel to a photoelectric cell which will scan a white line on the highway and follow it.Another familiar prediction. Automatic dimming came true in 1952 but never worked right, which should have taught a lesson. Didn't. Lessons are never learned. Even though computing was not part of the 'vision' then, the prediction still holds true for REAL LIFE USAGE. Averting collisions and following a straight interstate. That's as far as automation can go, if it's INTENDED TO HELP PEOPLE. The Tribe wants autonomous cars for an entirely different reason, so it's pushing for 100% autonomy.
As Google's engineers acknowledge, unless and until all vehicles are autonomous, the maximum speed for autonomous vehicles will be about 25 mph. That's a truth that Tesla doesn't wish to acknowledge. The alternative to forced retirement of all non-autonomous vehicles is to build a separate right of way for autonomous vehicles. How much would that cost and, more importantly, who would pay for it? Conceptually, autonomous vehicles operating in their own right of way is equivalent to public transit. We already have the technology for public transit, and expanding and improving it would be easier and cheaper than building an entirely new right of way for autonomous vehicles.Amen, amen, amen. Correct and rational, therefore it won't happen. The Tribe HATES HATES HATES public transit because public transit requires the Tribe to get in the same basket with Deplorables. Intolerable, unacceptable, all options on the table. The Tribe does not drive. Driving is for Deplorables. Chauffeurs are necessarily Deplorable, so a chauffeur-driven limo is still unacceptable. The only acceptable answer is autonomous cars, and (as abovementioned) autonomous cars will not coexist with Deplorable-driven cars. You can finish the syllogism.
Labels: #DeplorableLivesMatter, Asked and answered
The current icon shows Polistra using a Personal Equation Machine.