Nature works whether you "believe" it or not
The wokesters are decolonizing the names of Darwin and Huxley, two of the founders of their secular "science".
Removing names and statues is a perfect example of real natural selection and real genes in action.
1. Natural selection, of course, was perfectly well known before it was branded by Darwin. It's negative feedback.
Nature doesn't allow linear or exponential curves. Feedback always places a ceiling on any activity. A predator who eats too much food will use up the food and starve. In this case the wokies are intellectual predators, eating up the intellectual food of their founders and mentors. After Darwin is unspeakable, how do you continue MISusing his doctrines to justify your eugenic and genocidal crimes?
2. Genes exist whether you believe in them or not.
Orthodox fashion-followers are a specific genotype, always present. The wokies don't believe in genes. They apply tabula rasa to everything. You can pick your own gender and race. The wokies are also rigid fashion-followers. They are canceling their own fashion-following ancestors for the "sin" of following the fashionable intellectual trends of an earlier century. Darwin applied clear thinking to animals and plants, but didn't question his current orthodoxy when thinking about early human species. Darwinists continue to express the same peculiar genotype, applying objective rules to non-humans while considering Neanderthals to be niggers or rednecks or antivaxers, according to current fashion.
Labels: Emersonian justice, Real World Math