Absolute MUST viewing.
The ACU conference focused on America is done livestreaming. The interview with Pam Popper is HUGELY POWERFUL. I hadn't heard of her before, which leads me to suspect the 'usual' skeptics. If they aren't following her, they aren't serious. She's HARDASS serious and gets everything right.
I've embedded it roughly at the start of her interview, which is all in English.
Her website Make Americans Free Again is primarily gathering and filtering lawsuits. The website isn't as impressive as Popper herself.
She sees a couple of changes that agree with my senses and observations.
The myth is collapsing from loss of interest as well as loss of patience. Very few people are listening to the official screeches by Mad Bomber Inslee and Demented Dominatrix Woodward. Very few are still following the Dashboard Of Fake Deaths from Holocaust Central.
Small towns are basically ignoring the mandates.
Media are starting to lose interest. (Probably because of the six-month Time Constant on media stories.)
= = = = =
She sees positive results and rebuilding after the myth collapses. I'm not able to see this yet, but I hope she's right.
The US "medical" system has been doing far more harm than good for many years, and the holocaust turned it to an OFFICIAL murder machine. Patients see this, and will move away from official "medicine". She believes a new medical system can be built.
The US "education" system has been doing far more harm than good for many years. The holocaust closed it down, and the "reopening" is atrocious and impossible for kids and teachers. Many parents have figured out that homeschooling is better than being bound and gagged.
Thousands of lawsuits are underway, most of which will be an utter waste of time, like the idiotic lawsuit that freed ONLY THE PLAINTIFF from lockdown and distancing. She wants to shape the lawyers toward more careful and productive filing.
During the interview she also gently but firmly knocked down one of the medical false-flag distractions. Wodarg tried to get her involved with the "problem" of genetic privacy, whatever the fuck that means. She said "That's interesting, but we need to stop the carnage first." BRAVO.
She says that her team is working on a comprehensive debunk of the myth, coming soon. Remains to be seen, but I'll be watching CLOSELY to see if this finally opens the blackmail.