Reprint and a bet
The ACU channel is livestreaming a discussion of the USA side of the holocaust. There's a lot more English than usual, so it will be more watchable here.
So far the discussion tends to support a 'bet' I've been thinking about.
In the few blessed countries and states that continued REAL SCIENCE and REAL PUBLIC HEALTH, this year's pattern of deaths looks like a fairly bad flu season, but not among the worst, even in recent times. In the places that decided to kill everyone, the death count is much higher, as you'd expect. More murder results in more deaths. QED.
But even among the holocausters, NYC and New Orleans stand out dramatically.
Here's the bet. In most places this "virus" is a rebranding of seasonal flu. In NYC and NO, this "virus" also includes a rebranding of medical errors.
The well-established estimates of deaths by medical error strongly resemble this year's "count" of "deaths" from the Haute-Couture Branded Virus.
I focused on medical errors a few years ago, and the writeup from
exactly five years ago is worth a reprint.
= = = = = START REPRINT:
I've been noticing a lot of 'reverse marketing' lately. Putting it all together, it forms a much deeper and more vicious picture.
All institutions in the Satanic West have abandoned their purposes. They were designed ... and given legal privileges ... because they were supposed to serve the general population. Now they serve ONLY an elite few. They violently reject and
kill the unwashed masses who were supposed to be the clients. The desirable elite isn't always the same set of people, but it's always a tiny fraction of the group that the institution was meant to serve. Some institutions don't even want the elite; they're working for entirely different goals.
Banks don't want depositors or borrowers.
Universities don't want students. (This has been true for several decades; more recently they're driving away faculty as well. Adjuncts, online lectures.)
Political candidates
don't want votes.
The stock market
doesn't want shareholders.
The court system
doesn't want policemen.
don't want patients.
The power grid
doesn't want electricity.
don't want Christians.
Corporations don't want employees OR customers.
Newspapers don't want readers.
TV stations don't want viewers.
Army recruiters
don't want recruits.
Boy Scouts don't want boys.
= = = = =
In a few cases we have separate decentralized or 'workaround' institutions that behave properly. House churches still serve Christians. Small businesses want customers. Crowdfunding wants shareholders. But those alternative arrangements are exceptions, and the big centralized parts are working to eliminate the exceptions.
= = = = = END REPRINT.:
Instructively, the
link I href'd for medical errors has been deleted.