Researchers from University of Tsukuba and the University of Tokyo have revealed that adult-born neurons (ABNs) in the hippocampus, which is a brain region associated with memory, are responsible for memory consolidation during REM sleep. To do this, the researchers exposed mice to a context-specific fear memory task. Then, they recorded activity in specific ABNs across the learning, consolidation, and retrieval stages of memory. "We found that young ABNs that were most active during REM sleep after the memory task were most likely to have been active during learning," explains Professor Masashi Yanagisawa, the other senior author of the study. "Further, when we then examined the effects of optogenetic silencing on young ABN activity during sleep, we found that the consolidation of contextual fear memories was impaired." Their data represent causal evidence that activity in young ABNs during REM sleep is necessary for memory consolidation.Dreams literally build the brain. Exercise, especially rhythmic exercise like walking, also builds new neurons. Just as the immune system in bone marrow builds T-cells to fight physical pathogens, dreams and walking build new neurons that aren't contaminated by mental pathogens. Torturers (governors and mayors and presidents and "public" "health" officials) UNDERSTAND this point, which is exactly why they disrupt and shorten our sleep and prevent us from walking and exercising. Torturers can't allow their victims to build defenses against the injected emotions and commands.
Labels: defensible cases, defensible spaces, Jackboot stomping forever
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