It is all fraudulent, all of it, everywhere, up and down, East and West. The movies, radio and state and books and TV — all of them are fraudulent; and the foundations and universities and scholars, they are all fraudulent too; and the executives and the financiers … and the Commissars and the Krushchevs and the Mao Tze-tungs, they are fraudulent equally; it is all a great game; and there are two dangers in this great game: first, the fraudulent people come to believe their own lies, they come to have faith in their fraud; and second, underneath it all, because people are fundamentally good, they come to realize that we live in lies and the people get angrier and angrier and they may explode.He went on to bemoan the great stress of knowing this and still being required to report on it. Required? No, fuckhead. Unless you were being blackmailed, you volunteered to glorify these criminals. (Blackmail always needs to be considered, since it's more important than money in politics.) You could have used your talents to write honest fiction or comparatively honest advertising copy**. You chose to take the drug of power. You never quit the habit, never sobered up and said these things in public. You helped LBJ perpetrate Vietnam. You helped LBJ destroy our industries and cities with welfare. And all the time you knew what you were doing. Raw evil. = = = = = As a nice contrast, we have this little confession by Kevin McKenna, a modern journalistic defender of the Left. He seems to be a bit more confused and conflicted than Teddy White, but he still understands that the whole game is fraud.
The concept of a life characterised by fidelity to leftwing values being analogous with the rule of St Benedict may appear absurd, but I’ve always felt that the life that many of us on the left feel called to must possess more than a degree of monasticism. ... Lately though, I feel as if I’ve let things slip. If I were to be arrested and charged with seditious activities or revolutionary truculence, would there be enough evidence to convict me? I fear not. I recently purchased a car that the motoring supplements might refer to as a high-performance marque.And so on. Though it's only a partial confession, and McKenna was nowhere near as sinful as White, I still have to say BRAVO for doing it publicly. If you really want to defend laborers, you need to eliminate Free Trade and Environmentalism and Die-Versity and "Human Rights". Instead, strong tariffs, no immigration, no "endangered species", let Christians be Christians, let the police arrest criminals regardless of race, keep criminals in jail after arrest regardless of race, execute murderers instantly regardless of race. Poor people need industrial jobs, and poor people need a firm culture with firm laws. Black poor people need these things even more than white poor people. All of the fraudulent politicians have participated in destroying jobs, culture and cops, but Labour in UK and Democrats in USA were the leading force in these moves. Left-wing parties should have been fighting these moves instead of leading them. Just follow FDR and you'll be OK. = = = = = ** Advertising? Sure. Those maligned 'Mad Men' were doing INFINITELY more good for poor people than faker Teddy White or his fake god JFK. When you drove a new Edsel, you were insuring good solid jobs for poor (mainly black) people in Detroit. When you smoked Luckies, you were insuring good solid jobs for poor (mainly black) people in North Carolina. You were also enriching some rich fuckheads. Squashing those industries starved the (mainly black) poor people in America without changing anything for rich fuckheads. Rich fuckheads simply switched from industrial investment to pure numerical theft, where they could steal without risk and without limit. Poor people can't do that because poor people don't have a direct Tribal connection to Bugsy Bernanke or Chair Janet.
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