Salvini's league of leagues
Salvini is pouring out ideas at an Elonic pace. Worries me a bit. He started out with SOLID ACTION, and it would be better if he'd let his ACTIONS speak before his words.
One of his ideas is unquestionably important. The sane nations and sane movements within insane nations need to coordinate their efforts more strongly. At least they need to share information and avoid ideological squabbles.
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As I keep track of the fronts in the Soros war, a pattern clearly emerges. Soros NOTICES countries that move from neutral to green, and quickly FLIPS them to lavender if possible. It's easier with small countries for obvious financial reasons. He ESPECIALLY tries to flip small footholds in the middle of major God areas.
In the last year,
Macedonia and
Armenia and
Spain and
Ecuador moved closer to God through elections or protests. Satan flipped them to FIRM Satanic. England seems to fit the same pattern, though I'm no longer sure that the God-move was ever genuine.
Macedonia and Armenia are unimportant countries in the big picture, but they're strategically located centers of infection. Macedonia in the middle of the hardline God-group in eastern Europe, Armenia next to Persia and Turkey and Russia.
= = = = =
The God side needs to have an equally smart strategy. Floss out these centers of infection before they can solidify. Try to grow the healthy tissue.
Labels: Sorosia