CataLUnya doubt 3
My initial romantic joy at CataLUnya's move toward independence was quickly replaced by doubt.
Why are they continuing to move forward when the pain/gain ratio is all pain? CataLUnya had a pretty decent arrangement, with some autonomy and tremendous economic advantage. By declaring independence they've immediately lost the economic advantage. Most corporate headquarters have already skedaddled. Now they're stuck between fighting and surrendering. Fighting would be instant death, and surrender NOW will leave them in a much worse position than before.
Their leaders seem to be sane and intelligent. Why are they continuing this?
I have to conclude that the leaders are serving Soros. This closely resembles the Ukraine coup in terms of
pain/gain. Ukraine was doing well enough in the Russian orbit, where it traditionally belongs. The coup led to a brief hot war followed by an unending low-level rumble. Classic Soros arbitrage. Break the country, exterminate the people, profit from the loss.
In the Ukraine case the Soros short failed because Russia fought hard to halt the derivative. Soros clearly didn't expect such firm resistance.
Russia has no interest in CataLUnya. (RT is following the dispute closely but doesn't seem to be taking a side.) USA STRONG is officially with Spain. Nobody else is willing to jump in.
When you see a coup with no visible means of support, the invisible support is Soros.
= = = = =
Two weeks later:
This settles it. Article by Sorosian Harrington, who favors CataLUnyan independence
because the CataLUnyan revolutionaries are ANTI-populist and ANTI-nationalist:
...the movement for an independent Catalonia, whose leaders have stated over and over and over again, their desire to found a republic based on an ethos of social inclusion, cultural diversity, European integrationism and a robust welfare state...
aks Sorosian aka Satanic.
And more fingerprints:
According to internal documents the Soros Foundation provided:
- 27,049 dollars to the Consell de Diplomàcia Pública de Catalunya (Catalonia’s Council for Public Diplomacy in Catalonia), an organization that Catalonia’s Generalitat [Translator’s note: this is the institutional framework for Catalonia’s independence] established with different private partners; and - 24 973 dollars to the Centre d’Informació i Documentació Internacionals a Barcelona (the Barcelona Centre for International Information and Documentation, which we will call “BCIID”). BCIID is an independent think tank.
These are small amounts. They don't show that Soros is the "employer" of the movement, but they do show that the CataLUnyans are firmly aligned with Soros, and Soros is rewarding them.
Labels: Leth, Sorosia