Positive sign in Armenia /// EDIT: NO. THE EXACT OPPOSITE.
Armenia had plenty of Soroprotests leading up to an election, and it
looked like a repeat of Ukraine's Soros revolution. In that case the protests led to a pure Soros (ie ACTUAL NAZI) government.
This time the revolution fizzled, and the newly elected leader from the opposition party has
reaffirmed linkage with Russia. Good. One NON-VICTORY for the Soros side.
This might be a little premature, but it's been a long time since I've been able to add a green spot (moving away from Soros) to the map. (Armenia is the dot at the NE corner of Turkey.)
Sidenote for clarity: Though I like to describe it as God vs Satan, this map is more limited and specific. Countries that have rejected revolutions
sponsored by Soros, or rejected
Soros NGOs, get the green. Countries that welcome Soros revolutions or NGOs get the lavender. Some of the rejectors (eg England, Spain, Israel) are generally on Satan's side, but nevertheless they had the courage to kick out the Soros mob, so they deserve recognition.
= = = = =
CORRECTION June 11: I was wrong about the new leader.
The voice of Satan officially cheers the new leader, so the map needs to be revised. Armenia is pure Satan after all.
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