Thanks, Ralph 471
Listening to the bluster and counterbluster about Trump's latest pointless self-destructive nonsense (Jerusalem stuff).
Ever since the 1989 Switchover, USA STRONG has been bombing and ruining everything except Saudi and Israel. All of those bombed and ruined countries have been building an increasing grudge against USA STRONG.
There wasn't any way to use the grudge until the new Allied side based in Russia and China emerged as a sane alternative about 5 years ago. Since the emergence sane countries have been flipping toward the sane side. When Trump came in, the universal hatred of the
"Trump" hologram made it easier for many countries to break away from conventional fashion.
I've noted before that the "Trump" hologram is miraculously accomplishing what the Trump voters wanted, EVEN THOUGH the actual Trump is simply continuing Bush/Clinton aggression.
What if the "Trump" hologram can accomplish Fortress America in the SAME WAY that American blockades and sanctions forced so many other countries to find their own internal confidence and skills?
(See Cuba, Persia, Russia, etc.)
What if the other 190 countries unite in a TOTAL BLOCKADE against USA STRONG? Nothing goes out, nothing comes in. All military forces and spies and NGOs must return home and stay home. Any ship or plane or missile leaving the border is shot down immediately. Any radio signal leaving the border is jammed.
We would then have no choice. We would have to DO THE RIGHT FUCKING THING for the first time since 1974.
Would we? No, but it's a constipation devoutly to be wished.
Thanks in advance, Ralph.
Labels: Emersonian justice, skill-estate, switchover