Note for my own records
Just noting a connection that needs further exploration.
Last summer's riots were unquestionably related SOMEHOW to the holocaust. All of the participating murderers officially SCREECHED that
riots are an intrinsic part of Public "Health". The clinic where I'm forced to get annual "checkups" sent out an official email
The correlation is lethally clear. But how and why? Where's the causation or the driving force?
One dubious hypothesis, based loosely on
old dystopian novels:
It's a switchover.
Diseases are now crimes and crimes are now diseases.
Defund and disempower cops. Simultaneously give all power and money to the Public Death Officers.
This doesn't seem to hit the point. Maybe it's a start, maybe not.
Variable that isn't accounted for: The riots were more crudely political than the rest of this shit. Riots in 2020 because the puppet in the White House had R on his label. No riots in 2021 because the puppet in the White House has D on his label.
The media might be the main driver for the riots. Media are crudely and stupidly partisan, while the organizers of the holocaust are above labels. They started work under the command of Bush Junior, and continued smoothly through Obama and Trump and Biden, three changes of label.
Labels: #WholeOfSociety, Asked and badly answered, switchover