A note on masks and castes
Back on Feb 20 I noticed that this neighborhood was resisting the panic. This is a solid Deplorable zone. Four months of Hell later, nothing has changed here, and the caste link is more strongly visible every day.
As the bus goes toward downtown, humans get on in this neighborhood. Farther south,
Mascoid Aliens start to show up. Most of the Mascoids are posing as "female" "humans" of the upwardly mobile type.
From the start, the humans have made a point of being extra friendly to other humans, as the Mascoids
look down on us with grim contempt.
I'd always been jealous of smokers, who had a similar fraternity of underdogs for the last 20 years. Now I know how they felt.
= = = = =
Later afterthought: The total counted deaths from the Haute-Couture Branded Flu in Spokane County is 37, out of a population of 300k. This is much less than the number of suicides in the same four months. It hasn't moved lately, while the GENOCIDALLY STUPID "count" of "cases" continues to "climb", which motivates GENOCIDAL HOLOCAUSTAL BLOODTHIRSTY MONSTER BOB LUTZ to keep us in the current SubPhase of Holocauster Inslee's precisely enumerated and decimalized Hell. Needless to say, most of those 37 deaths were in two nursing homes. One of those nursing homes is in the VA complex at the west end of this neighborhood. So this area would count as a hot spot if the virus really mattered to anyone outside of a nursing home. The prevailing winds would have COATED this area with
SPARKLING ORANGE WITCH POWDER, and all the horribly unmasked HUMANS would have been dead long ago.
Sarc off and real science on. Undoubtedly the virus has been floating around here longer than most other parts of town, exhaled from the vents and doors of the nursing home, and we HUMANS have been handling the virus as HUMANS always do, the way animals have been doing for A BILLION FUCKING YEARS. Our infinitely resourceful IMMUNE SYSTEMS have been reading the virus particles, checking their arsenal of ammo, modifying and reloading T-cells as needed, and quietly repelling the invaders. THIS IS HOW LIFE WORKS.
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