As someone who works in the Russian media I can say that virtually no one in power understands this here. Their perspective of how to influence other countries remains a matter of men in suits, either reading the news off a teleprompter or speaking to selected dignitaries in broken English at very official sounding elite forums.Yup. RT is especially annoying. All of its English-language announcers have the same odd Belfast accent and lecturing manner, and they alternate with synthetic speech in a variety of unnecessary accents "reading" quotes from various people. They always recommend following UN Resolution 2653.87 Subpart 45a3. Or something. I stopped listening even before Putin surrendered to Soros. Maybe old Booker T had a better answer. Instead of issuing propaganda, issue influential PRODUCTS and SERVICES. .... No, after thinking about this for a while, I see it's useless. It worked for some countries like Belarus, but it failed for most. China has cornered the market on influence via exports, now including exports of murder and mayhem (lockdowns). Cuba tried to sell sugar and tobacco, and was met with blockades. Persia tried to sell oil, with the same fate. Maybe Kirby's video is the only remaining path.
The current icon shows Polistra using a Personal Equation Machine.