Parking lots require that drivers engage in minuets of rule violation in order to accommodate each other. Reverse to allow someone out of his spot. Drive on the wrong side to go around him. Yield an empty spot to someone already waiting. FSD requires full Theory Of Mind.I've said the same thing repeatedly, in the context of pedestrians vs drivers. Both of these tyrannical delusions are commonly held by people who consider themselves to be Libertarians, which is exactly how these tyrannies have been inserted into daily life. If these robotic forms of commerce and transportation had been introduced by people wearing jackboots and helmets, the insertion would have taken a few minutes longer. Automatic systems force out human systems, destroying the poor and powerless. This is obvious with the market. When banks can bring in infinite profit by sucking on Yellen's wrinkly counterfeit-money tits, they don't need to pay interest to savers and they don't need to make (carefully judged) loans to small businesses. Capitalism no longer offers any benefits to working people. Not quite so obvious with Googlecar. As a non-car-owning pedestrian, I can see it clearly. Every day I cross a half-dozen major streets, always involving a human negotiation. I try to predict what drivers will do, and drivers try to predict what I'll do. Often a driver will see me on the sidewalk, will realize that the density of traffic keeps me from crossing, and will nicely stop and motion me across. Would Googlecar do this? Would it even stop when a kid unthinkingly walks into the street? No.
Labels: Deadthink
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