Thanks Ralph 124, ZERO TAX edition
It's great fun to watch Repooflican eunuchs
screeching about "censorship" by Zuckerberg and Bezos.
These are the same eunuchs who ENABLED THE RISE of Zuck and Bezos by chanting ZERO TAX ZERO TAX ZERO TAX. The same eunuchs who fight against states that try to charge PERFECTLY LEGAL state sales tax on internet purchases. The same eunuchs who promised that unregulated monopolies would bring us into the Golden Tech Utopia where everyone has infinite money and infinite leisure. The same eunuchs who are STILL defending Bezos against the surprising rejection of his proposed NYC branch.
Needless to say, the tech utopia is identical to previous unregulated monopoly utopias. The barons get infinite money, and we work infinite hours for zero pay.
And now Bezos and Zuck are guillotining the idiots who created them. As always in utopias.
Thanks, Ralph!
Labels: Emersonian justice