The first weapon
This is the weakest comparison of Metric vs English I've ever read. It may be a parody, but the Federalist is so shitty lately that you can't tell which articles are meant as parodies. Most of the articles are pure Soros.
The author is a gung-ho superspecialized military type who lives and breathes Milspec.
He tells us that yards are better than meters for determining the range of a rifle because yards are slightly smaller. Might be true for professional snipers, but most non-criminal people aren't professional snipers, so we have no desire to check validity of this claim.
Slight differences in one particular unit aren't the determining factor for practicality. Meters and yards are about the same, so they're equally practical for a visual estimation. The system that gives you
finer resolution, or the most
comfortable unit, is generally better. Fahrenheit is better than Celsius because F degrees are about twice as fine as C degrees. Centimeters are better than inches for objects in the size range of automobiles and appliances, BUT serious metricators don't use cm. They express everything in mm, which is uncomfortable.
What do I mean by comfortable? Humans handle one-digit numbers and two-digit numbers easily. We don't have a solid feel for fractions or numbers much beyond a hundred. For each specific purpose the system that gives us numbers like 6 or 52 is more comfy than the system that gives us 0.035 or 4316.
Sergeant Milspec then tells us that metric is better for land navigation. Why? Because meters, unlike latitudes, are the same everywhere on the earth's surface. Huh? Yards are also the same everywhere.
He then tells us that meters are really better because a digital system called MGRS uses metric.
This is absurd. In the first fucking place, lowly non-milspecs AREN'T ALLOWED to use MGRS, so it's utterly irrelevant. In the second fucking place, when you're using any machine or system that does its own calculation, you have to take the system's output in the form it displays. This has nothing to do with metric vs English. For instance, Poser has its own 'native units' for length. One 'native Poser unit' is 103.2 inches in the latest version. You can try to think in inches or feet or cm AFTER reading off the native distance, but you can't try to do your own calculations based on inches. The internal roundings and limits are based on the internal units, and your external calcs in inches won't agree with the internal results.
= = = = =
In the current US situation, jobs and subjects that find metric to be more practical have
naturally switched. Jobs and subjects that find English more practical have
naturally stayed with English.
There are two STRONG arguments for leaving the current arrangement alone.
MATH argument: Metric was invented in the era of math on paper and math on slide rules. Metric is definitely better for paper and slide rules, because sliding the decimal point back and forth is easier than dealing with fractions. Now that computers do all of our calculations, metric has no advantage at all. In fact the two-based fractions in English are MORE precise for binary computers.
POLITICAL argument: Each trade and discipline has its own comfortable and habitual units. Forcing people to switch DESTROYS SKILLS and DESTROYS HUMAN CAPITAL. The sole purpose of globalism is to make humans worthless. Metric was designed by globalizers who had this purpose in mind. The French revolutionaries wanted to FORCE everyone to think and work the same way as the revolutionaries. Identical thinking is another name for death.
Globalists aim to obliterate all life, leaving only pure numbers. Metric was the first weapon of globalists, and it's still a major weapon.
Labels: Deadthink, Metrology, skill-estate