Major exception
The tech world is based exclusively on the shareholder as customer.
Discussions among tech monsters are as follows:

Every new disruptive innovation is WOW. Improving the product is EXTERMINATE.
Actual customers don't appreciate new innovations, for a simple and tautological reason.
When you like a product enough to use it regularly and loyally, you like it for what it IS.
You like it for its EXISTING features and reliability and performance. You don't like it for what it ISN'T. You want the product to HOLD FUCKING STILL so you can continue to USE it and get some fucking WORK done. You don't want the product to automatically update itself every picosecond, because every update is a ruination. No update has ever fixed a bug or improved a function. Every update makes everything 10 times worse.
Shareholders like a product because of what it ISN'T. They insist on new WOW every picosecond. Often
(as with Microsoft Malware alias Windows 10) the new WOW completely destroys the usability and destroys the computer that runs the product; but the tech tyrants still WOW because it's innovativedisruptive.
Exceptions to this rule are rare enough to celebrate. Snapchat seems to be an exception. A recent update apparently ruined more of its functions than usual, and users predictably gave up.
Normally a loss of users would make the stock SOAR. Shareholders HATE actual customers and employees, because customers and employees are Negative Externalities. This time, for unknown mysterious reasons, the stock went DOWN.