Neighborhood blue note
This neighborhood is near a VA Hospital so a lot of old vets live here. Several of them have industrial-strength flagpoles in their yards, complete with clanking chain. They raise the flag at dawn and lower it at dusk, following the rules.
On yesterday's walk the wind was clanking and flapping the flags, so my eyes were caught by a flag with an extra blue stripe. Mistake? No, the rule-following vet wouldn't use a misprinted or blurred flag.
Turns out the extra stripe is something of a movement, signifying
solidarity with police.
Excellent movement. Especially in a "city" dysruled by a copkiller "mayor" and copkiller omnicidal alien monsterblobs illegitimately and criminally and fraudulently posing as "councilindividuals". The police need all the support they can get.
Labels: #bluelivesmatter, Heimatkunde