He continues by noting “energies eroded to routine as entropy increases . . . the drowsy nausea . . . exasperated, vague waiting – but for what?” With an air of sadness, he claims that “the old vocabulary is exhausted, that the forms of classic culture cannot be rebuilt on any general scale.” Then-Cardinal Ratzinger made a similar observation in Without Roots: “Is European culture perhaps nothing more than the technology and trade civilization that has marched triumphantly across the planet…? At the hour of its greatest success, Europe seems hollow, as if it were internally paralyzed by a failure of its circulatory system that is endangering its life . . . infected by a strange lack of desire for the future.” It’s pale consolation knowing that I am hardly alone in sensing an end point, a tired staleness. The old vocabulary is exhausted while the great convictions of the Enlightenment wind down, enervated, spent, having consumed themselves in excess, contradiction, and failed attempts to pursue life while ignoring the Author of life.Internally paralyzed by a failure of its circulatory system sounds a lot like my recent Parkinson analogies. It's not just Deplorables who are burnouts. Many large businesses are "winding down, enervated, spent", trying to GET RID of customers instead of trying to ATTRACT customers. This is explicit policy for companies that have been zombified by LBOs, but the mood is spreading to others as well. ZIRP was the crucial act of euthanasia, the plug-pull. ZIRP was the moment when Deepstate LITERALLY removed the life support from heretical businesses that were not dependent on share value. Bugsy Bernanke is the corporate version of Peter Singer. Any business or individual who was trying to run by Natural Law, building up capital, saving profits, and investing in new production, was instantly deprived of nutrition. NOT COINCIDENTALLY, businesses and countries that run the old way are Islamic or Soviet. NOT COINCIDENTALLY, Deepstate's open and official WARS are aimed at Muslims and the Soviet zone. This map of debt shows the correlation reasonably well:
Labels: #DeplorableLivesMatter, Natural law = Sharia law, Гром победы
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