Parkinsonian altruism
Listening as usual to a second-string "conservative" yapper with the usual nonsensical argument that we can solve all problems by returning to the nonexistent "Constitution".
Thinking as usual that we need to abolish "civics" courses that propagate meaningless fictions like "laws" and "constitutions".
Thinking as usual that Parkinson is all you need. Each agency's job is to exponentially increase its own budget and power.
But wait!
What about the black-robed demons? They aren't primarily concerned with their own budget and workforce. What is their goal?
Aha. They are more broad-minded Parkinsonians, with a longer outlook. They take care of the BIG PICTURE goal of government, namely slaughtering Deplorables and enriching Insatiables. The demons serve this goal by increasing the budget and workforce of OTHER branches of government, such as EPA or Education or DHS.
Rehnquist was a partial exception, a reversion to the mean. His mission was narrow Parkinson for the judicial branch itself, and he even made a special Fantasy Uniform to show that he was the Four-Star General of the Judicial Space Patrol. Comparing him to other black-robed demons allowed me to see the AHA. (When you see a vector reverting toward the mean or typical, you can sight backwards along the vector to find the atypical zone where the vector originated.)
Labels: #DeplorableLivesMatter