Constants and variables, squatting edition
Following on
yesterday's note about squatting or adverse possession of dynastic traits.
"Trans" things are squatting in the higher-status gender. Act female, wear female things, use female pronouns, and sooner or later you are treated as female. The current version takes the ADVERSE part too far, making FORCIBLE DEMANDS on ordinary people. Ordinary people rebel against FORCIBLE DEMANDS, and the current "government" then imprisons them for rebellion. Adverse possession is not automatically evil, but the current FORCED ACCEPTANCE is evil.
Gene squatting belongs in the same broad category as three other terms, and it's fairly easy to confuse or conflate them. Let's see if we can parse the distinctions.
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Taking the names and superficial qualities of the higher-status group, gradually being SEEN as a member.
Here's an
interesting history of how the Irish Travellers squatted in Gypsy territory:

Gypsies were initially seen as entertainers until their natural and universal criminal qualities were observed. Low-status vagabonds noted that Gypsies were more successful at thieving, partly because of the initial positive impression; vagabonds started to adopt the language and habits of Gypsies and soon became SEEN as identical to Gypsies.
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If your ACTUAL PHYSICAL APPEARANCE is close to the higher-status group, you can generally become part of the group without fakery or forgery. All genetic groups have 'error bars' which overlap to some extent. People who fall into the overlapping zone can pick either side unless there's a peculiar legal restriction based on careful registration of genealogy.
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Modern intentional misperception of ASSIMILATION, qv below.
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The oldest and most natural of these phenomena. When a kitten is raised by a mama dog, it naturally learns dog speech and behavior patterns, but it's still a cat. When a white Southerner was raised by a colored nanny, he naturally learned African speech and behavior patterns, but he was still Caucasian. When a group of Italians and Poles moved to New York in the 1890s, they naturally (and unfortunately) learned New York speech and behavior patterns, but they were still Italians and Poles.
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Now here's the constants and variables question, which popped up and surprised me.
Okay. Assimilation is natural. Why did those Italians and Poles assimilate, while post-1990 Muslim migrants in EU/US/UK are NOT assimilating?
It has NO FUCKING THING to do with Islam, because lots of Persian immigrants to oil states have always assimilated nicely.
It's a perfectly simple rule.
When you leave a country in turmoil and go to a country that DID NOT CAUSE the turmoil, you are a refugee.
When you leave a country in turmoil and go to a country that DID CAUSE the turmoil, you are a captive.
Refugees can and do assimilate. Captives may pretend to assimilate but they're always ready for the prison break.
Post-1990 immigrants from the Middle East are going to countries that CAUSED the current wars, thus they are captives ready to rebel.
Labels: Asked and answered, Constants and Variables, Language update