Heavy stuff by the dream-scripter
Since the LOOOOONNGG winter finally released its grip, I've been making up for lost sleep and lost exercise.
Shoveling and raking snow provided good upper-body exercise but walking was dangerous. I kept daily walks to a minimum, canceling entirely a few times. Now I'm adding extra blocks to the daily walks, seeing some areas I'd never seen before.
Sleep was shallow and short in the long semi-emergency. Now I'm getting extra naps. More importantly I'm pouring out dreams that were suppressed by shallow sleep.
Last night's dream was HEAVY and well-organized. I found myself aboard a yacht or cruise ship, with no particular goal in mind. A series of test-like encounters occurred. A full wine bottle appeared. Would I drink it or toss it overboard? Tossed it overboard. Some thug-like men approached with a proposition to commit serious crimes for a lot of money. I turned them down; they got angry and threatening; I turned them down again. They walked away. These tests had a solemn Injun flavor. Osage.
Finally I was invited into the captain's cabin, sat down at a conference table, and heard the purpose of this nonsense. The 'board' offered me the presidency if I would fulfill their conditions precisely. The 'board' would give me a loyal wife and a son. I was required to rule the country with exactly one goal in mind: USA should become a place where the young son could grow up and live a normal life, a place where he would NOT be forced to overdose or jump from a bridge.
I accepted the deal.
Obviously these events will never occur, but the CONDITION was remarkably deep writing by the dream-scripter. A valid government will have to work toward that goal. Turn the country into a place where a young MAN of ordinary skills and talents can acquire status and respect by WORKING and MAKING THINGS.
Labels: defenestration / depontication, Make or break