Thanks, Ralph 455b
Dolezal continues playing the
substitution game, but fortunately she's too fucking ignorant and delusional to realize the consequences.
According to the "local" newspaper, Dolezal has legally changed her name to Nkechi Amare Diallo. The "writer" does a perfect substitution move. Before the sentence about the name change, Dolezal is Dolezal. After the sentence about the name change, Diallo is Diallo. There is no previous name and no change. Diallo has always been Diallo.
Comrade O'Brien would be proud!
What's fortunate? Dolezal has picked a "real African name" because black American names like LaTarsha Quinnikia Jones are low-class. In her mind "real Africans" are high-class.
Whoops. Actual Africans have NO PATIENCE with gender fluid or flexible identity. Actual Africans are hardass Christians or hardass Muslims, strictly following Old Testament standards of Natural Law. You try to go fluid, you get stoned.
In other words, she's trying to join a club that won't let her in.
= = = = =
Tech sidenote: The perfect now-you-see-it / now-you-don't trick by the Spokesman's writer should inspire Javascript coders. It wouldn't be hard to develop an Automatic Memory Hole. Many newsy sites are designed solely for iPhone reading, with one broad column and lots of popups covering the upper and lower areas so you can only see about three lines at a time. Javascript knows which lines are exposed, and knows where the mouse is. As you scroll down the page past the switchover line, the text would automatically O'Brienize. Dolezal is replaced by Diallo, and the part mentioning the change disappears.
A more advanced version would depend on eyegaze technology. As your eye scans past the name change or trans define, the Never Existed Unname or Never Existed Ungender before the define is replaced by the Only Existing Name or Only Existing Gender. After you read the article, the Never Existed unversion is unavailable to you, because it
Labels: Emersonian justice, Natural law = Sharia law