One box
Google's daily animation today "honors" election day with a ballot that has exactly one box. The stick figure checks the one box.
Similar icon on TV weather graphics. They often use simple animations on special days, Just Like Google. A dancing skeleton for Halloween, a wiggly snowman for Xmas. Their icon for today shows a one-box ballot with a checkmark in the one box.
Well, at least they're honest. We've arrived at the old "Soviet" elections. We do it somewhat more cleverly than Stalin. We have more than one visible box for some choices, but only the correct box counts. If you vote for the heretic, your check is an Uncheck. If you vote for Brexit or another Incorrect referendum, your check is deleted by a "court".
100% for correct side, 0% for incorrect side. This is called
= = = = =
Techy sidenote: Both of these new icons use a check to represent the Yes choice, which agrees with computer usage. Check means good or success or yes, X means bad or error or no. But it DOESN'T agree with the rules on many paper ballots. You're supposed to mark your positive choice with an X. I wonder if youngsters are confused by this? Will we see a lawsuit on the subject?
Labels: switchover