I truly did NOT expect this. Went to bed fully confident that the Empire would have its mandate to expand the slaughter of Christians here and Muslims over there.
The Empire allowed the heretic to take office. Remains to be seen if he will grow up and FOCUS, or continue piddling away his advantage. If he can grow up and FOCUS, he may truly change things. He will need Erdogan-style ferocity to clean out the bureaucracy. Otherwise the bureaucracy will trap him and halt him from the first instant.
Above all this is a vindication of ACTUAL JOURNALISM, which is exactly and solely WikiLeaks, and a devastation for all other media outlets and "scientific" pollsters. We now know, from their own words and confessions, that all US/EU media and all polls were purely owned and commanded by the Clinton dynasty. Working together and conspiring to make war against the US. Treason, confessed and verified. Hang them.

Polistra mobilized her new printshop for a quick Extra.