In the past, we here at RealClearScience have been very critical of chiropractic. ... But, as RealClearScience is guided by a science-based worldview, we forever strive to keep an open mind. If evidence or circumstances change, we are ready and willing to re-evaluate our positions. It is in this spirit of curiosity that a recent article published in the journal Chiropractic & Manual Therapies has left us intrigued, and even slightly hopeful, for the future of chiropractic. Associate Professor Bruce Walker, the head of the chiropractic program at Murdoch University in Australia, offers a ten point plan to revitalize the profession and bring it in line with evidence-based medicine. ... The blunt truth is that if Walker and his chiropractic colleagues transition their profession to evidence-based practice and do so with intellectual honesty, they will almost certainly find that their profession is not all it's cracked up to be.Misses the point entirely. It's true that the specific techniques of chiropractic were developed from a THEORY, not from experience. Therefore the original techniques don't do much. Many chiros have expanded into acupressure techniques that ARE proved by experience. Most importantly, chiros are healers. It's an EXPERIMENTALLY PROVED fact that the classic practices of healers work. A caring touch and a caring 'token', whether it's a prayer cloth or a pill. Those are built into our genome. Modern "Darwinian" "scientists" like Pomeroy refuse to acknowledge the existence of genes, so they fail to understand what genes do. A medical practice that dispenses healing will cure many conditions, because we have tremendously powerful EMOTIONAL AND PHYSICAL immune systems. When our EMOTIONAL AND PHYSICAL immune systems are running confidently in sync, we stop bad viruses and bad thoughts and bad bacteria and cancer before they can get a grip. When our EMOTIONAL AND PHYSICAL immunity is weak, the bad stuff takes over. Can a practice continue without any "evidence"? You fucking bet. PSYCHIATRY is completely based on unproved and disproved THEORIES. Its effectiveness has been repeatedly and totally disproved by insiders and outsiders. But nobody dares to publicly question psychiatry because it's owned by people who are officially unquestionable and unpunishable. Chiropractic is not owned by top-status people, so "scientists" like Pomeroy are free to bash it.
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