Just noticed
Just noticed.
Emerson made a BIG POINT of finding your own skill and using it. Plow your own field. Hardly an unusual suggestion at the time; wise advice through all of history has said the same. In other words, find your IDENTITY, as determined by genes, and cultivate your IDENTITY. Literally and figuratively MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS.
Alinsky does the exact opposite. Modern 'identity' movements and cults, conveniently grouped under Soros funding, tell you to find a skill and a position that is MAXIMALLY UNFIT for your individual abilities, a position or job that you CANNOT fill, and then force the world to reshape itself so you can fill this completely inappropriate position. The world stupidly tries to reshape itself, but the position never fits, and you remain a Victim Of Oppression, ready to generate a protest or lawsuit or riot on command.
Weaponized groups, Persons Of Colour and Persons Of Gendour and Persons Of Distinct Enablement, are required to adopt dress and behavior and names that will instantly mark them as members of the group 'identity'. The dress and behavior has nothing to do with your INDIVIDUAL skills and tastes and needs. It belongs to the group's identity, not yours. Weaponized Persons literally and figuratively MIND EVERYONE ELSE'S BUSINESS. By force. (See lunch counters, police, schools, churches, landlords, butchers, bakers, candlestick-makers, etc.)
Labels: skill-estate