Where are the moderate Jews?
We love to ask
Where are the moderate Muslims? We keep asking even after a hundred million moderate Muslims have answered it. Time for a different question.
This narrative makes it clear that Soros is the money behind pretty much all the bad shit of the last 25 years. No doubt about the money connection. He looks at trends, funds them massively, and profits from the result. Every time his trend comes to fruition, millions of people die and Soros wins billions of dollars.
Carbon Cult? Soros.
Antichrist Francine and similar
'rainbow' shit? Soros. Turning EU into an empire? Soros. Balkan revolutions in the 90s, leading to Soviet collapse? Soros. Destroying Russia after the collapse? Soros. Arab revolutions in 2011-2014? Soros, assisted by Hillary. EU migrant crisis? Soros, assisted by Hillary. Black Lives Matter? Soros, assisted by Obama. Protesters against Trump and Sanders? Soros. Hillary? Tight connection with Soros.
There's a missing part in the narrative.
Soros expresses his nominal purpose clearly. His 'philosophy' is total globalism. No borders, no nations, nothing is allowed to resist Soros. One World = One Soros.
But: Most of these empires collapse into chaos. When the empires form, Soros gains. When the empires collapse, Soros gains. Full-wave rectifier. Empire isn't the real purpose.
Is money his main goal? Can't be. He could have made the same amount of money by simply running a predatory hedge fund, killing some companies and starving a few thousand people, but not destroying the entire universe. Lots of rich monsters work that way. It's EASIER that way.
So the constant has to be Infinite Evil. Whatever will kill the largest number of people is what Soros wants.
Big clinker: It's clear that Soros is more Nazi than Communist. He loved working with the Nazis to help kill Jews in his native Hungary. His stated economic goals are Austrian and corporatist, not Marxist.
Despite all that, many powerful Jews (and powerful Goys as well) are working with Soros. The US Treasury is run by powerful Jews. Most media outlets are Jewish. The collapse of Russia was run by powerful Jews. It's rational ...
but incomplete ... to generalize from Soros to Jews.
First question: Why do powerful Jews want to be tightly associated with universal evil? Most of them are not benefiting from the association. Soros gets all the money, Jews get all the bad reputation. Why doesn't someone break out?
Spitzer tried. He got honeytrapped. Sanders tried, sort of. He lost in an obviously rigged "election". Those are the only breakouts I can think of, and the punishment wasn't lethal. Both men are still alive, still influential.
Last question: In the broadest view Soros looks like an agent provocateur to make Jews look horrible. Just as al-Qaeda and ISIS are APs to make Islam look horrible and BlackLivesMatter is an AP to make blacks look horrible. Is Soros working on behalf of some super-secret organization?
More likely he's just the most evil entity that ever breathed. Everything he touches turns to genocide and destruction. And that returns to the first big question. Why do so many people, Jew and Goy, willingly work with him? Why do so many governments, national and local, boost his projects even while the projects explicitly and specifically destroy the governments?
The only hard opposition, thus the only sanity in this fucked world, comes from Putin. Soros-owned media and governments (ie all western media and governments) make it clear that Russia is the TOP ENEMY because Putin is the only government in the world that DARED to disobey the Supreme Will Of Soros. Thus the Soros world (ie everything except Russia) is going to try again. This time with nukes.
Labels: Age of Stings, Asked and unanswered, Carbon Cult