The study establishes a new method to date all the previous landslides at a particular location. The method shows that the slopes in the area around Oso have collapsed on average once every 500 years, and at a higher rate of about once every 140 years over the past 2,000 years.WHAT? You mean to say that a steep cliff undercut by a river collapses often? You mean it has collapsed within human memory, but fucking idiots still built a town at the base of it, even though any normal human could SEE that a steep cliff near a river will collapse? Nah. Can't be simple physics. Has to be Climate Change. YOU FUCKING TOLD US IT WAS CLIMATE CHANGE. And you're never wrong. Therefore we need to start looking for evidence of SUVs and Republicans and Denialists among the Sacreds Ruinses of Firstses Nationses Peopleseseses. They must have had SUVs and Republicans and Denialists, because everyone knows that Climate Change is caused by SUVs and Republicans and Denialists.
Labels: Carbon Cult, Pluponents, STRONG!
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