Rich world problem
Ambiguous envelopes seem to be spreading. More and more utilities and insurers are labelling BILLS as "Important Information About Your Account" or "Information about your Plan".
This is a terrible idea. The same utilities and insurers ALSO send out a veritable blizzard of legally required changes in Terms and Conditions, which are ALSO labelled as "Important Information etc."
I don't need to read the legally required nonsense. It may become relevant if I file a claim that doesn't fit the rules. In that case the agent will explain the problem ANYWAY. Knowing the rules in advance won't prevent me from needing a prescription or surgery. It won't prevent the windstorm from damaging my house. The wind isn't going to say "Oh! I see this house doesn't meet the latest modifications of Clause 34A Subpart 17.8 on its policy! Time to attack!"
The only envelopes I need to open are actual bills and statements. If you label them clearly as "This is an invoice" or "This is your monthly bill", I'm more likely to open them and less likely to miss them.