Sounds familiar
Continuing to monitor the acceleration of Satan.
Reprint from February:
The departure of Sovietism from Russia was clear and well-marked, but its arrival on this side of the strait was more gradual and implicit. One thing is definite: Bush The Father was the carrier. After trying to assassinate the last anti-Soviet president and narrowly missing, BTF proceeded as if his bullet had done its intended job. He did everything a proper Soviet leader would do: shot Christians, gave absolute power to the EPA Terrorist Army, expanded "human" "rights", expanded "free trade". Clinton and Bush The Son continued in the same direction, bombing large numbers of Christians and Muslims here and abroad, destroying physical infrastructure and cultural infrastructure here and abroad, expanding "free trade" and "human" "rights", and generally breaking and obliterating everything that was built by previous generations of normal people.
Through all those concrete (and concrete-smashing!) steps, we never had a
verbal declaration that all religious beliefs are prohibited. Now we finally have it, not that it matters very much.
Gay couples and rights supporters have launched a series of legal challenges to bans in federal and state courts in recent months following two key decisions from the U.S. Supreme Court last year. Attorneys general should base their decision on whether to defend their states in such cases, not on politics, but on questions of guarantees under the U.S. Constitution, such as equal protection of the law, Holder added. "Engaging in that process and making that determination is something that's appropriate for an attorney general to do," Holder told the New York Times.
Satan always veils his words, but Holder's meaning is easy to translate:
Thou shalt not tolerate religion.
Meanwhile in other parts of the world (eg
Africa and
Russia), governments are strongly opposing Satan and supporting God.
The switchover is complete.
= = = = =END REPRINT.
Now in May we're starting to see a more explicit and active implementation of the Bush/Clinton/Romney/Obama pogrom.
The current step is to drive serious Christians and Muslims out of any occupation where their religion might possibly
contaminate proper satanic citizens or interfere with Satan's work.
We're seeing this on a large (but blurry) scale with Romneycare. Employers are no longer allowed to decide where to spend their money. If they don't feel it's appropriate to pay for baby-killing, they can always go out of business. This is not a viable choice for large companies. Going out of business would lead to perpetual and infinite lawsuits from various stakeholders and employees and unions, most of whom were not involved in running the pogrom.
We're seeing it on a smaller and sharper scale with the question of homosexual "marriage".
In today's news:
The Hitching Post is one of the most well known chapels in the Inland Northwest. In its 95 years of operation thousands of people have been married in the small chapel. But the owners are willing to walk away if the ban on gay marriage is permanently lifted.
When the future of same-sex marriage in Idaho is finally sorted out in court, the owners of the Hitching Post said they are prepared to close their doors rather than conduct same-sex marriages.
The phrase about "finally sorted out" is silly. The matter is going to be settled in a week or so, and we know with 100.000000000000% certainty which way it will be settled. Satan's way. There is no other way in the
Bravo to the owners for sticking to principle instead of taking the stupid "fighting from inside" line. That never works. All you can do is save your own soul.
Labels: switchover, Гром победы