Interestingly, the transgression does not arise by introducing some musically bizarre deviation. In fact, Schickele's succession from supertonic to tonic in a weak-to-strong metrical context is musically banal. The supertonic to tonic transition is the most frequently occuring melodic movement from supertonic with a probability of 0.33. By contrast, Beethoven's original melodic movement to the raised dominant is the rarest continuation from supertonic in Western music with a probability less than 0.0007.It's EXACTLY the same humorless soulless analysis of music that Schickele set out to parody in the first place. Except this humorless soulless analysis is applied humorlessly and soullessly to Schickele's parody of humorless and soulless analysis. Why is this hugely annoying instead of funny? Because it's never resolved. Not into the supertonic or into the raised dominant with 0.0007 nonBayesian correlation. The author never realizes what he's doing. The dissonance just hangs in the air. Same with American politics. The wildly dissonant convoluted multi-layered inversion just hangs there, consuming our thoughts and souls for 50 years.
Labels: Danbo, Loughnerian Logic
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