Green stupidity
Heard on CNN's "Bottom Line" segment, discussing how to celebrate the Holidays in an appropriately Gaia-sensitive fashion.
"I stopped using virgin wrapping paper, because that wastes trees. Instead, I use old newspapers, sheet music, maps, pages from books ...."
First, you're not saving any trees. Paper is made from repeatedly regrown forests, and the more we use the more we plant. Second, by avoiding paper products you're depriving Americans of jobs. Paper is one of the very few things we still manufacture here. Third, you're wasting intellectual property by using old sheet music and maps. You may be destroying the last copy of a song, which is
not regrowable.
Fucking fools.
Caveat: I don't really object to wrapping gifts with pretty printed stuff; but if you're intentionally and religiously doing this "for Social Justice" and "for The Planet", you're dead wrong. You're working against both purposes.