I am fortunate still to enjoy the love of my children, or think I do. But I am vividly aware of so many fathers who do not -- whether through their own fault, or from the fact that their children were turned against them by a calculating mother, working the family law system. So many fathers have been exchanged for cash, and now live alone and in squalor, their income impounded to top up the account of their worst enemy in the world.
This is a great pity, for women as well as men, for a society in which one of the sexes is casually and consistently depreciated -- men in the West, often women in the East -- becomes a sick and unbalanced society. What has been quietly observed about radical Islam -- the psychopathic cave culture that has emerged in environments where women are not merely reduced to chattels, but made emblematic of sin and corruption -- now has its counterpart here.
Indeed, I would argue that men suffer most under Islamist regimes, that women suffer most under feminized ones. Outwardly, the "superior sex" obtains a tyrannical power, but inwardly, their souls are stripped of the moderation, and imaginative empathy, that can come only from respectful interaction between the sexes.
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