More edushit
Heard on CNN just now, in a feature on the cost of college education: "Keeping cost down is important because America needs to have XXX% more college graduates to compete with Korea and Japan."
I didn't catch the number, and the number doesn't matter. It could be 1% or 99999%, and the entire statement would still be absolute ratshit from start to finish.
How much ratshit? Let me count the turds.
1. Before the Communist takeover in 1973, America outproduced everyone else. In those years we had fewer college graduates than now. Europe and Russia out-educated us by a long shot, but we did better economically. Our strength in those days was not intelligence as such, but superior organizing ability. We knew how to run a business, how to satisfy customers and employees at the same time. We also knew how to develop a
system. Telegraph, telephone, electric power, railroads, highways. That was our secret, not raw intelligence. We've lost the basic culture of business thanks to the dominance of feminists and feral litigation, and thanks to the total emphasis on share price instead of profit; and we've lost our system skills thanks to the deregulation trend which started in 1978.
2. Graduating more BA's and BS's doesn't mean more learning. It means less learning. Except for a few fields like engineering and medicine, the average baccalaureate represents a subtraction of common sense, displaced by huge piles of lunatic lies.
3. Even if all college courses gave positive learning, and even if math and science were really the important determinants, no amount of education would put us ahead of Orientals.
They are smarter than we are.4. Korea, Japan and China have two big advantages that we
could replicate: they have public health care, and they are willing to use tariffs and import quotas. In other words, their governments exist to protect their own people, while our government exists to kill our own people.