Aaaaand here we go againnnnn!
Delingpole spotted this trend early, and now it's really showing its ugly face.
As the criminal conspiracy of "Global Warming" starts to fade, it's quickly being replaced by "Biodiversity". Needless to say, the criminals will never pay or confess or apologize for impoverishing billions of people and starving millions of people to enrich their own obscenely bulging Swiss bank accounts.
Commies never apologize or serve time, because they control everything.
Japan seems to be an amenable location for world conquest plans. The serious UN part of the "Global Warming" crime started in Kyoto, though it had been developing in various places for 20 years. Now the serious UN part of the "Biodiversity" crime is
starting in Nagoya, though it's been developing for 20 years.
Politicians gathering in Nagoya, Japan, for the United Nations' 10th Convention on Biological Diversity — a summit to set conservation goals for 2020 — face grim news: Scientists have reported that one-fifth of Earth's vertebrate species are at risk of extinction.
It's the "scientists" again, and it's "grim news" again.
But the outlook for biodiversity would have been even bleaker without conservation efforts, according to the researchers... "We've had some successes," said study coauthor Neil A. Cox of the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Conservation International. "Without conservation in place, extinctions would be much worse than they currently are."
And it's the untestable experiment again. We think we improved the situation, but we have absolutely no idea what would have happened without our efforts.
The International Union for Conservation of Nature periodically surveys biodiversity worldwide and categorizes species on its so-called Red List based on their extinction risk. The new update compiled data for 25,780 vertebrate species: all mammals, birds, amphibians and cartilaginous fishes — such as sharks — and about 1,500 species each of reptiles and bony fish. According to the research in the journal Science, on average 52 species of mammals, birds and amphibians slide a step closer to extinction each year, moving into a more threatened category on the Red List.
ACTUAL DATA shows that over the last 400 years, just TWO SPECIES OF MAMMALS AND BIRDS PER YEAR have gone extinct, not 52 per year. Insects undoubtedly die out much faster, but insects also develop new species much faster.
But Leadley, who coauthored another biodiversity paper in the same issue of Science, cautioned against placing too much emphasis on efforts to save celebrity species, one by one. [Actor Harrison Ford] is advocating Conservation International's goals to expand protected areas to 25% of the world's land surface and 15% of the oceans. "I care because I'm a father and I'm seeing the world around me degraded and misused and wasted for short-term profits," he said. "I think this is among the most important of the things I'm involved in. Time is short and nature is at a tipping point."
[Leadley] said broader efforts, including reducing climate change, deforestation and pollution, would be key in the future.
And here's the tie-in to the previous crime, so they can smoothly ramp down their evil work on the previous crime without admitting failure or error.
And needless to say, this connection is perfectly backwards as always. We
do have increasing CO2 in the atmosphere. Increasing CO2 has no connection at all with warming or cooling, but it does make
plants grow more enthusiastically, which in turn means denser and lusher "delicate fragile wetlands" and denser and lusher "delicate fragile rain forests". Thus higher CO2 makes it
easier for rare plants and animals to survive and revive, not
"We've missed the target on 2010, but if you invest in conservation, there's gain to be made," he said.
And here's the tie-in to the Wall Street Mafia. At this point the new-format Papal Indulgences haven't been publicly revealed yet, but I'm sure the Biodiversity Exchange is already well planned. Maurice Strong and George Soros don't leave infinite riches and genocide to chance.
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This new crime is parallel to the old one in many ways, but it differs in two major ways that will likely make it harder to disprove and dislodge.
(1) "Global Warming" is based on a complete and total REVERSAL of facts, logic and mathematics, so any human with an intact brain can spot it as 100.00% toxic nonsense by looking at JUST ONE GRAPH. In contrast, "Biodiversity" has a small core of truth and proper morality. It's always been a good idea to prevent overfishing and overhunting of animals that humans actually use. The real successes of conservation have always involved old-fashioned self-control, while the Endangered Species approach has failed every time. This narrow core of truth will allow the criminals to confuse and conflate, thus making counter-argument harder.
(2) The essential theory of "Global Warming" is purely numerical and thus testable by numerical methods. And it has been repeatedly tested and utterly, exclusively, smashingly disproved every goddamn time ... which has finally been noticed by sane humans and even a few members of the Ruling Class. But the essential theory of "Biodiversity" is non-numerical, depending on a reverse reading of Darwin. Basic Darwin says that
evolution occurs when a species dies out in one specific niche or location. Other species then move in and adapt. The Endangered Species theory directly
fights Darwin by trying to keep a species alive in a location where Nature wants it to die. This prevents other species from taking over the niche, and thus forces Nature into an unnatural distortion. Note the Orwellian term "invasive species": the "invaders" are actually Nature doing its proper job!
The crime against Nature is thus verbally demonstrable, but it won't be nearly as easy to show on a graph.
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Polistra is taking out her frustration on an
allegedly endangered allegedly giant allegedly white allegedly spitting allegedly lily-scented Palouse Earthworm, which nicely symbolizes the multiform falsity and tyranny of "Biodiversity".

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Later: Hmm... maybe there's hope, maybe the people are awake now, won't be so easily fooled this time. Dennis Miller catches the point instantly. This morning he noted the mention of the Biodiversity thing on Drudge. Said: "Am I the only one who thinks it's a good thing when species go extinct? Sort of a Darwinian spring-cleaning." Precisely. The whole point in 20 words.