Well, which side are they on?
Most public-service spots about diseases or disasters include a riff like this:
[Our disease] doesn't discriminate! [Our disease] strikes anyone and everyone! Old and young, male and female, gay and straight and transgender and pre-op trigender, black and white and Latina/o and First Nations Peoples!
This is true enough for disasters like floods, but it's wrong and often dangerous for diseases.
All diseases have preferences. Medical research has wasted a lot of money by refusing to discriminate, and public health agencies have killed people by refusing to discriminate.
Now think about the basic premise. If you're one of the Commie organizations that sponsor these spots, and if you really believe that diseases don't discriminate, then you believe that
diseases are better than people. Mere humans (until re-educated) are sexist, racist, homophobic, Islamophobic, ageist, ableist, looksist. Diseases have none of those "diseases."
(Of course those organizations don't
really believe their advertising; they know the true demographics of their own disease. But they feel obliged by our default leftist culture to repeat this non-discriminatory rubbish, in order to keep Al Sharpton and Gloria Allred off their backs.)