Where is ordinary corruption?
Pfizer announces a 90% effective vaccine for the "virus". Normally this would be good news, and if we believe the alleged logic of the lockdowns and muzzles, we should be willing to take the vaccine and get rid of the lockdowns and muzzles. I'd be more than happy to do it, and I'd be willing to pay HUGE money for the vaccine if it would
GUARANTEE no more lockdowns and muzzles.
The Big Science websites are firmly cheering the vaccine, as they should. Vaccines are REAL science and REAL public health. This is the first instance of REAL science in this 9-month-long hyperholocaust. Even Chief Holocauster Fauci is cheering for it!
I didn't expect it would work that way, and of course it won't work. We won't get the vaccine, and nothing will change. Science and logic are entirely flipped and reversed into total insanity beyond all imagination.
Lord Cuomo has already stated that he won't let New Yorkers take the vaccine because it happened during Trump. He will encourage other governor demons to halt the vaccine as well because it's a Trump vaccine. Mad Bomber Inslee won't need any encouragement.
Where are the adults? What happened to ALWAYS FOLLOW FAUCI? Where is ordinary commercial self-interest? Why doesn't Pfizer come out and knock Cuomo down for being an anti-vaxxer? Why don't the establishment Big Science websites knock him down?
There are no Republicans in Big Science, and no Republicans anywhere in Pfizer. That's automatic. None of those people were doing it for Trump. They were doing it for profit and for real science, both honorable motives. They sure as hell weren't doing all that work to provide Cuomo with another way to be a mass murderer.
Why don't they defend their own POLITICAL PURITY from Cuomo, if they won't defend their profit and science?
If we can't believe in a vaccine because it happened during Trump, then how come we have to believe in the "virus" itself, which also happened during Trump?
Labels: Asked and unanswerable, Jackboot stomping forever