The young generation of Belarusians who have grown up in a peaceful country and have not faced real difficulties yet, can hardly make the right assessment of what has been done in Belarus over the years of independence, Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko said as he gave an interview to Russia's leading mass media. “As they say, especially in Ukraine, Belarusians have not experienced a real trouble yet. When they do, they will know what misfortune is all about. I would not want my country and my people to go through it. However, when I am alone I start thinking: maybe, today's generation of Belarusians should go through something to be able to understand the system they are living in and to size up and appreciate what has been done. They have nothing to compare it with… Indeed, there is Ukraine, some other countries. But it all seems so faraway, not here.”The difference is obvious in the faces of crowds reacting to Lukashenko. Older people are deeply thankful, younger folks are respectful but not thankful. They don't seem to realize that they are the LUCKIEST PEOPLE IN THE WORLD. And why are they lucky? BECAUSE WE CAN SEE THEIR FACES. NOBODY IS WEARING MURDER MASKS. ALL OF THEM CAN FUCKING BREATHE. Who would have ever thought that BREATHING would be a unique privilege granted to only FOUR FREE AND BLESSED nations??????????????????????? = = = = = A new neurology study shows that this experiential difference goes far deeper than attitude. Researchers compared Africans who had suffered through the Lord's Army rebellion in Uganda and the genocide in Rwanda, versus similar Africans who hadn't been traumatized. They found that an epigene strongly related to memory of bad events and PTSD was switched oppositely in the non-trauma and trauma people. Immunity and hormesis work in all areas. Encounter a virus, build T-cells that fight it. Encounter a horrible situation, build genes that fight it. What we have now in the UNLUCKY countries is a horrible situation, not a virus. The demons who are creating the horrible situation have avoided responsibility and justice by blaming a "virus" for their satanic evil. People who are actually following Satan's orders never say "The devil made me do it", even in jest. They always frame an innocent person or ordinary fact of Nature. Framing is a Satanoleth. When Inslee or Trump says "The virus made me do it", you know that in fact the devil made him do it.
Labels: Jackboot NOT stomping forever, Jackboot stomping forever, Leth, Natural law = Soviet law
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