Might be counterproductive
The purpose of the current Swine Flu panic, like all panics, is to slaughter Deplorables. It's perfectly obvious in China, and becoming obvious elsewhere, like Northern Italy and Persia.
This panic may be counterproductive in USA. The people who are freaking out are all non-Deplorables. NYC types, politically active "leftists" and "rightists", bulls and bears.
A good measure: Some of the UK "leftists" are saying that they need to replenish their world-end prep stuff that they had
GATHERED FOR BREXIT. Now that Brexit has happened and the world didn't end, they were using up some of the world-end supplies. I'm guessing they also have CLIMATE EMERGENCY supplies on hand.
Deplorables aren't worried. Still no masks or panics, still no conversations on the subject.
Yesterday on morning walk, an older lady who always pulls into a driveway at the same moment when I walk through that block called me over to talk. I thought maybe she was asking for help with carrying a load, but she just wanted to tell me something funny. She had seen a skunk following me on the previous day's walk. We discussed the neighborhood skunks and had a laugh.
Laughter is the best protection against viruses AND tyranny.
Labels: #DeletableLivesMatter, defensible thymes, Emersonian justice