Is Boris learning?
Boris seems to be following Putin's lead in several ways. After he threw the Brexit switch, his next move was to activate INFRASTRUCTURE.
Even before the bizarre anti-Brexit stageplay, England was paralyzed on the infrastructure front. The previous soap opera was centered on a third runway at Heathrow. For several years this was the ONLY topic of discussion, the ONLY allowed debate, in British politics. It was a pointless debate, and it wouldn't have solved any problems if built.
Now Boris has started a major high-speed railway, and his speech at the event sounded Putinish.
Latest move: Get rid of old cabinet, bring in people who will HELP HIM GET SHIT DONE. This is just a week after
Putin's cabinet rebuild, and again the rhetoric is similar.
I've been hoping and ranting for years that SOMEBODY on the Sorosian side of the world would start LEARNING from the effective leaders on the non-Soros side.
Still reserving judgment, but the important sign is GETTING SHIT DONE instead of playing
endless BLOCKING games.
= = = = =
The best cure for individual depression is
The same cure on a different scale works for national depression.
Stop fussing about purity of motive and ideology. Just KEEP MOVING AND KEEP MAKING.
Chatley Heath sends the message.
More life, more value, more beauty. More life, more value, more beauty.