Got the game now.
After every single "order" and "attempted order" by Trump is instantly overruled by the black-robed demons, I've finally concluded that Trump isn't attempting to DO anything at all. Never was.
If he had intended to make actual changes in immigration policy, his staff could have found ways to do it. There's always an end-run around bureaucrats and demons, even when your team shirt carries the wrong brand.
The record is too perfect.
Most of his "orders" are instantly squashed. We were supposed to conclude that his staff was "amateurish" and didn't know how to work the system. We could accept the excuse in the first two weeks but not now.
The "orders" that aren't immediately deleted, like the "order" about religious freedom, are masterfully written to accomplish exactly nothing. The "order" instructs executive agencies to
think about religious freedom while they continue to pogrom Christians.
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Conclusion: He's simply playing the same game that Repooflicans in Congress have played for the last 30 years. "Pass" a "bill" in the Lower Nuthouse after making sure that the "bill" will fail in the Upper Nuthouse. Or "pass" a "bill" in the Upper Nuthouse after making sure that it will fail in the Lower Nuthouse. Or "pass" it in both Nuthouses after insuring that the president will veto it.
The strategy always yields tons of talking points and millions in campaign funding but NEVER results in an actual change in laws or policies.
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I noted earlier that Trump's twittering always opened new ways for the Clinton mob (Mueller, Comey, media, CIA, et al) to run investigations against nationalists and heretics, without providing any evidence or material to defend humans against the Clintons.
Now it's clear that the "orders" perform the same function in the realm of black-robed demons. In response to Trump's "orders", the demons have created a massive and expanding body of new precedents. These precedents will stand forever because of the tyrannical
stare decisis rule which is itself perfectly unconstitutional. The demons have already declared that enforcing the law is illegal if the enforcer is unfashionable. Now Emperor Watson has created a new "law" saying that
borders are illegal. He didn't make this "law" until Trump gave him the basis.
These "laws" will stand forever, perfectly unrepealable and undebatable.
Everyone understands how this infinitely vicious and evil system works. Trump himself may be a brainless twat, but most of his team are insiders who can't be forgiven for inexperience or idiocy.
When you're up against demons, your job is to WORK AROUND** the demons, not to HELP THEM. Trump's team did the opposite. They have been handing the demons free ammunition guaranteed to yield PERMANENT "laws" that obliterate civilization.
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** Footnote on end-runs and workarounds: The best workaround for bureaucrats is blackmail. Competent politicians use it all the time. Trump has NO EXCUSE for his failure to use the standard tool. His worldwide organization of hotels and casinos has thousands of security cameras, and bureaucrats are always sloshing around the world to various conferences. If he had WANTED to end-run the demons, he had an enormous source of workaround material. He didn't use it, so we can solidly conclude that he was on the other team from the start.
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