Fractal banana
ZH correctly mocks the latest idiocy in the world of "art" where name and provenance are EXACTLY EVERYTHING. An "artist" who apparently has a "name" has sold a plain old banana ductaped to a wall for $120,000.
ZH missed a parallel, which may not be a national phenomenon. In local grocery stores, buying one banana is the standard way for food-stamp customers to get cash for drugs. They slap down the banana, insert the EBT card in the scanner, and ask for $50 extra. Apparently it's illegal to just use the EBT card as an ATM; you have to buy
something that counts as food. Real food is unnecessary for a methie, so the transaction is shaped for minimum nutrition and maximum cashback.
So the banana as physical icon for totally wasted money is fractally valid at all scales.
= = = = =
Later: A commenter at ZH probably got closest to the truth. "Conceptual art" is a money-laundering scheme, and the evidence disappears on its own.
Labels: Entertainment, meta-entertainment