OpSec and Github
Continuing with the
Del Giudice question.
How about
defensible times?
Picking up the last paragraph of a
large article on defensible cases.
I haven't thought much about the grammar of art and architecture, but it fits the same pattern. Utopias of "rights" and "equality" always break down natural symmetry and resonance. It's most obvious and literal in music, where movements like atonalism and Twelve-Tones obliterated resonance and rhythm.
Resonance and rhythm.
Needless to say, the brain's functioning depends on
resonance and rhythm, and I'm guessing that the brain creates defensible spaces by heterodyning or subcarrier processes.
Any input that breaks resonance and symmetry and rhythm is a pathogen against internal rhythm.
Any input that breaks our memory of previous experience is a pathogen against
defensible times. Globalists constantly break memory and force it to be reinterpreted the globalist way.
Github/Room 101 doesn't merely distort earlier memories, it smashes the
PROCESS of creating and storing memories.
Labels: defensible cases, defensible spaces, defensible times