Second, the number of countries with a strong science base is growing, which inevitably leads to greater heterogeneity in cultural norms with respect to research ethics, and to more diversity in the approaches of regulatory authorities. Third, science is being conducted by a shifting cast of commercial entities — either independently from, or in collaboration with, traditional research institutions. Such organizations might not have the same ethics culture and systems of regulation as traditional universities.Heterogeneity in cultural norms = China doesn't give a fuck. Might not have same ethics culture = Zuck doesn't give a fuck. It's way too late to do anything about China since US universities have been welcoming and supporting Chinese spies for 40 years. We've outsourced our skills in science along with everything else. The science racket doesn't WANT to do anything about Zuck because he serves as a convenient cutout to bypass pesky ethics committees. So we meekly and delicately complain about our colonial masters, knowing full well where the money is.
Labels: Carbon Cult, Ethics
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