Why so upset?
I don't understand why everyone is so upset over the
girl who licked the ice cream. She was just following instructions. The label said FRENCH VANILLA, so she Frenched the Vanilla.
Seriously, it's no different from any produce in a store. Hands are covered with bacteria. Every tomato and apple gets "tampered" by lots of bacteria-covered hands before your bacteria-covered hands pick it up and put it in your basket. Tongues and fingers don't carry the
same bacteria, but that isn't a meaningful distinction.
"Product tampering" is a remarkably long-lasting moral panic, creating a whole bunch of laws and a whole bunch of expense and inconvenience, all from ONE crime committed by ONE criminal about 30 years ago. Because ONE criminal put poison in Tylenol containers, ALL containers are hard to open and sometimes impossible to open. Though nobody measures it, a whole lot of injuries have resulted from using knives and scissors and pliers to open those "tamper-proof" containers.
Labels: Entertainment