Perot RIP
Ross Perot, out of public life for many years, has died of natural causes.
As a sort of funeral cortege, let's see if we can place him in the lineup of Deepstate's victims.
Harding broke up Wilson's bureaucracies, imposed tariffs, and supported non-intervention. Deepstate unquestionably ethicuted him, and possibly killed him.
2. Ike pulled out of Deepstate's Korean war and supported non-intervention elsewhere. Deepstate heartattacked him, and Nixon took over.
3. JFK and RFK tried to expose Deepstate. Both got killed.
4. George Romney had been telling the truth about offshoring LONG before anyone else saw the problem. He told the truth about Vietnam, so Deepstate unpersoned him, made him unfit for public consumption.
5. George Wallace told the truth about pretty much everything. He was assassinated but barely survived, permanently disabled.
6. Reagan offended Deepstate in ways** that we still don't know about. Bush Senior assassinated him. Unfortunately for Bush, his family-owned assassin wasn't as competent as Oswald, so Reagan was weakened instead of killed. Bush Senior took over the government de facto, and later by "election".
7. Perot told the truth about offshoring and globalism. Bush Senior unpersoned him, made him unfit for public consumption.
Does Trump belong in this list? No, he's the opposite.
He's working FOR Deepstate.
Nixon remains the only mystery, the only confused picture. He offended Deepstate in '48 by exposing FBI "soviet" agents. Deepstate never forgave him and ultimately unpersoned him. But in the interim he served Deepstate in '56 by taking the reins from Ike, and then gave Deepstate
ALL OF ITS WISHES AND DREAMS in the '70s. Despite his heroic service, the old Hiss grudge was the only thing that counted in the end.
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** Best guess for Reagan's offense would be the same 1948 hearings where JFK and RFK and Nixon were exposing FBI "soviets". Reagan wasn't in professional politics yet, but he was helping HUAC to expose the agents in Hollywood.